
Boyhood Is Now A Disorder?

In nature we have all observed differences in animal behavior between the male and female of a species. One example is the stallion - a male horse - exhibiting highly spirited and active behavior, while the mare, a female horse, exhibits a more gentle and calm...

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What Drug Companies Do Not Tell You

Did you know that “the powerful billion-dollar drug industry designs and interprets studies to suit their interests”? Drug companies can hand pick the trials or studies of a particular drug to be published. In fact, drug companies are not even required to publish...

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ECT on Children

Do psychiatrists use ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy) on children?   In the 1950s, psychiatrist Lauretta Bender pioneered this unbelievable practice.   According to a google groups article “In a 1954 follow-up study, two psychiatrists investigated 32...

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Mental Disorders Manual May Be Myth

Three Professional Psychiatrists Speak Out Against the Mental Disorders Manual   In recent years, one hears teenagers casually diagnose their friends’ behaviors with bywords from psychiatry’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).  Now in...

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ADHD is Caused By Food

In a study conducted by Dr. Lidy Pessler, children diagnosed with ADHD were put on a restricted diet of real whole foods without additives.  At the end of the five weeks, many children experienced a significant reduction of symptoms.  Dr. Pessler stated that 64% of...

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Psychiatric Rape and Sexual Misconduct

You may be thinking, "Psychiatric rape and sexual misconduct"?  Rape and sexual misconduct are scarcely unheard of in the psychiatric and psychological profession, which for some may come as a shock. The Hippocratic oath of “First do no harm” has been ignored in these...

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What Will Happen to Japan’s Mental Health Now?

A few weeks ago, the world watched Japan in horror, as everyone saw the devastating results of a 9.0 earthquake followed by a tsunami and now a potential nuclear radiation crisis.  One can’t imagine what it must feel like to be in this situation.   The mental...

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Florida Psychiatrist Ordered NOT To Treat Women

Florida Psychiatrist Ordered NOT To Treat Women

Psychiatrist James A. Yelton Rossello is accused of molesting female inmates.     To Read the Full Story and To make Comments, Click here:   The Florida Department of Health is pursuing further action against...

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Florida Psychiatrist Ordered NOT To Treat Women

Feds may act if Florida stalls on health-reform law

Feds may act if Florida stalls on health-reform law, March 24, 2011     WASHINGTON -- If Florida leaders refuse to carry out the new national health care law, Uncle Sam is prepared to take charge on behalf of the state's consumers...   The standoff...

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Psychiatric Drugs and Violence

Psychiatric Drugs and Violence

Is there a link between psychiatric medicine and violent behavior? This connection was reported in our post Psychiatric Drugs Do Cause Harm:   “Of the 1937 total case reports of violence toward others, there were 387 cases of homicide, 404 physical assaults, 27...

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Florida Psychiatrist Ordered NOT To Treat Women

Chemical Restraints to Control the Elderly in Nursing Homes

A recent article from The American Lawyer Academy discusses the continued unethical and dangerous use of psychotropic drugs on seniors.  Rather than providing seniors with the care and compassion one would expect, such “care” often takes the form of strong psychiatric...

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Florida Psychiatrist Ordered NOT To Treat Women

Medicating the Military Backfires

Recent military deaths are not all the result of what one would expect - violent combat - but, in an increasing number of cases, from medications being prescribed to “help” soldiers.    The NY Times article of Feb 12, 2011, By James Dao, Benedict Carey and Dan...

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Tegretol: Dangerous Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Carbamazepine, marketed as Tegretol, is an anti-seizure medication sometimes used to treat Bi-polar Disorder. Tegretol side effects can be extremely dangerous and life-threatening.  When used to prevent epileptic seizures, this drug’s benefit was thought to outweigh...

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Florida Psychiatrist Ordered NOT To Treat Women

Medicating the Military Backfires

Recent military deaths are not all the result of what one would expect - violent combat - but, in an increasing number of cases, from medications being prescribed to “help” soldiers.   The NY Times article of Feb 12, 2011, By James Dao, Benedict Carey and Dan Frosch,...

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CCHR Florida- Current Project To Prevent Child Suicide

If there is one thing that I believe we can all agree on, it's that children committing suicide due to psychotropic medication is unacceptable and must stop.   CCHR Florida has been meeting with many Florida families to get this important message to them.  ...

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FDA panel advises more testing of 'shock-therapy' devices

FDA panel advises more testing of 'shock-therapy' devices   By David Brown Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, January 28, 2011; 10:10 PM   An expert panel advising the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided Friday that electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)...

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Florida Psychiatrist Ordered NOT To Treat Women

Feds make more arrests in major Medicare fraud case

A widening federal investigation into a Miami-based company accused of Medicare fraud netted the arrest of several doctors along with more than a dozen other defendants.   BY JAY WEAVER February 15, 2011     A trio of doctors altered the diagnoses and...

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Paxil Side Effects: From Birth Defects to Suicide

In December of 2005, The FDA issued a warning about Paxil causing birth defects in infants whose mothers took this drug during the first trimester of pregnancy.   The above linked website, appropriately named “Defective Drugs” mentions Paxil’s connection not only...

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The Truth About Antidepressants

There is plenty of marketing today to make you think that if you are depressed you should consult your doctor and see if an antidepressant such as Prozac, Pristiq, Paxil and the like is right for you.  But are these antidepressants effective?  In the article These...

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Prozac's Dangerous Side Effects

Our Worst Dreams Coming True The commonly prescribed anti-depressant Prozac has been linked to violence in its users. A recent trend of bizarre school massacres, child murders/suicides by mothers, and other senseless acts of violence motivated investigation into the...

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Triazolam Side Effects can Prove Dangerous

Triazolam, also known as Halcion, is a sleep aide proven addictive.   It belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines, which also includes Valium and Ativan. In this article from Associated Content by Yahoo, many of the unique and unpleasant side effects...

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Chantix and Violent Behavior

Varenicline (Chantix) is an anti-smoking drug linked to violent behavior. One site describes some of the dangerous side effects of this drug:   “Serious neuropsychiatric events including, but not limited to, depression, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt and...

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Thorazine: Chemical Lobotomy?

What are some of the major Thorazine side effects?   Dubbed by some, a chemical lobotomy, from its inception-the main purpose of the psychiatric drug Thorazine has been to keep mental patients quiet and manageable.   In 1952, French psychiatrists, Dr. Delay...

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Suicide as a Side Effect of Cymbalta

Cymbalta is the brand name for duloxetine, an antidepressant made by Eli Lilly.    Side effects are expected while taking drugs, but Cymbalta has been singled out by the FDA because it has a HIGHER than expected rate of suicide attempts.   Starting with the...

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FDA Panel Recommends More Testing of ECT Devices

Update on FDA Panel on ECT Devices   FDA advisory panel recommends more testing of ECT devices.   The New York Times(1/29, B7, Wilson) reports that after a two-day meeting, the Food and Drug Administration's Neurological Devices Advisory Committee "was...

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Florida Psychiatrist Ordered NOT To Treat Women

CCHR's Industry of Death Exhibit coming to Florida!

  Find out how millions of children are being given dangerous drugs to treat disorders a number of medical experts say do not exist.   Learn how a number of educators and parents are being purposely misled about the reasons for learning and behavioral...

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Abilify Side Effects Lead to Law Suits

Abilify Side Effects Lead to Law Suits

Abilify side effects can lead to death or permanent disability.  In a video by Andy Behrman, former spokesman for Abilify and Bristol Myers Squibb he states,   “On Abilify I started to experience one by one, all the side effects they talk about in those TV...

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Florida Psychiatrist Ordered NOT To Treat Women

Psychiatric Drugs Do Cause Violence

A research article entitled, “Prescription Drugs Associated with Reports of Violence,” studied the instances of violence reported to the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System during the years 2004-2009.  An adverse drug event is defined as some form of harm that is...

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Some in Congress look at incentives in disability benefit

Boston Globe   Some in Congress look at incentives in disability benefit By Patricia Wen   Key members of Congress are demanding an investigation into whether a fast-growing, $10 billion federal disability program designed to serve poor disabled children is...

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What’s the Real Deal with Mental Illness?

If you had to define mental illness, what would you say?  Or even more importantly, depending on your answer, what is the cause of it?  Not sure?  Where could one find a definition?  There is a book called The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders...

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Psychiatrists Drugging Military Kids

When a military father or mother is deployed, their children may have a tough time adjusting and need some extra love and attention for a while. Are there actual ways to help these children when their parents are busy defending our nation?   Unfortunately,...

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Are Seniors Safe?

When an elderly person needs more care and it is decided to put their loved one into a nursing home, the family doing so, is trusting the doctor and the staff to take good care of their loved one. When someone goes to visit the loved one, it would be expected to find...

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Random acts of violence

When we read news of a young person commits an act of random violence. It is senseless, tragic and puzzling.   It is important to keep in mind that one of the adverse reactions listed on psychotropic drugs is that “Patients of all ages who are stared on...

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Florida Psychiatrist Ordered NOT To Treat Women

2011 Starts Off With More Stories On Top Prescribers

The investigation initially focused on a Miami psychiatrist who wrote $43 Million worth of prescriptions from 2004-2009.  It was calculated that psychiatrist Fernando Mendez-Villamil wrote an average of 153 prescriptions a day for 18 months ending in March 2009. On...

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Florida Psychiatrist Ordered NOT To Treat Women

So Young and So Many Pills

On Dec. 28, 2010, The Wall Street Journal published an article, titled "So Young and So Many Pills".   Below are some of the graphs that were published in this article, showing enormous numbers of prescriptions for psychiatric drugs given to children in the...

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Psychiatry's Faith Based Campaign

According to The New York Times,   “Of all medical specialties, psychiatrists are the least religious, a survey has found, and the most religious doctors are the least likely to refer their patients to psychiatrists.”1   But an article by Rob Whitley, of Dartmouth...

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Florida’s Own Olympic Champion

Michael Phelps, an Olympic Gold Medal winner, has become a symbol of heroism for families across America! As a child, Michael, never sat still, never stopped asking questions, just wanting to go from one thing to another.  His mother was told he had ADHD and agreed to...

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ADHD and the Environment

Our environment today is not the same as it was 50 or 60 years ago.  As technology rapidly advances to accommodate the fast paced society we live in, so does the departure from using the natural resources of the environment.  Doing things the old fashioned way, which...

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Parents Drugging Their Children for Money

Please see the 4 different articles below from the Boston Globe, recently, that expose how parents are given Supplemental Security Income (SSI) checks-when their child is labeled with a psychiatric disorder.  Moreover, it will show you how some parents feel they need...

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Join CCHR Florida Today and Help Prevent Child Suicide

If there is one thing that I believe we can all agree on, it's that children committing suicide due to psychotropic medication is unacceptable and must stop. Click on the link and select "Dead Wrong" to view the latest video entitled, "Dead Wrong".  When psychiatrists...

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What is the Goal of TeenScreen?

Most people take that preventive step towards good health by going to the dentist, doctor or other medical professional for a routine checkup. Since teens today have to deal with peer pressure, bullying, changing hormones and the like, in principle, some may think it...

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Contact CCHR Florida

109 N. Fort Harrison Ave.
Clearwater, Florida 33755
Tel: 1-800-782-2878