
Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

  Early intervention into the mental and emotional lives of children was given governmental go ahead by Connecticut state lawmakers recently with the passage of Bill 972 "An Act Concerning the Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Health of Youths." Prompted by the...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

DSM V: Laughingstock of Scientific Thinkers

DSM V, psychiatry’s Bible of mental disorders, has been published to an array of ridicule from within and without the psychiatric community. This latest edition of the DSM has concocted mental disorders such as Skin Picking Disorder, Hypersexual Disorder, Compulsive...

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New Video: Your Right to Non-Psychiatric Treatment

New Video: Your Right to Non-Psychiatric Treatment

Please watch, like, comment on and share this new CCHR Florida Video: With new Federal legislation, mental health questions will be mandatory for medical practitioners. You do still have the right to alternative treatments....

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

The Mental Health Fraud of BDSM and Other Sexual Practices

In a recent study, it was found that people that engage in BDSM may be better off psychologically than those that don’t.  BDSM is bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism.  It was found that people who practiced BDSM seemed more secure and confident and overall...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Johnson & Johnson Asked to Help Obamacare

Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, recently phoned up Johnson & Johnson, a large drug maker, asking them to help get more people enrolled in the Affordable Care Act health insurance program. According to the New York Times, she also rang up...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Can Anxiety Attack Symptoms Be Caused by Food Allergies?

Many doctors and nutritionists are finding that anxiety attack symptoms and some types of depression are the result of food allergies. Correct the diet and the person's unwanted mental and emotional symptoms disappear. This research flies in the teeth of psychiatric...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Mentally Ill Diagnosis Fraud

  Mentally ill people, or those who have been branded as such, may take heart from a book exposing most psychiatric diagnoses as fraudulent. Author James Davies’ research shows clearly that the majority of those with supposed mental illnesses are the victims of...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Military Families Targeted by Psychiatry

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently did a study on military families.  They found that one in four children had symptoms of depression.  One in three worried excessively and half of the children in the study had trouble sleeping.  It goes on to stress that...

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Hyperactivity and Weight Gain

Hyperactivity supposedly causes weight gain. According to a study recently conducted on two groups of men aged 41, it was discovered that those who had been diagnosed as ADHD carried almost 20 extra pounds, compared to those men free of the psychiatric label. But...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Sudden Death Possible When Taking Antidepressants

Sudden death is a pretty severe side affect for a so-called medicine that claims to improve the users mental health. Yet the list of antidepressants causing sudden death caused by inducing changes in the heart’s electrical pulse and heart beat rhythm continues to...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

The Reason for Teenscreen’s Termination

Why Teenscreen National Center, headquartered at Columbia University, terminated its psychiatric screening services at the end of last year still remains a mystery to a large extent. Teenscreen directors and spokespeople are absolutely mum on what happened exactly,...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Why is ADHD Rampant Only in the United States?

It is all too common these days that a child who can’t sit still in class or can’t focus on his school work will be diagnosed with ADHD and put on psychotropic drugs as treatment.  At least nine percent of American school children have been given such a diagnosis and...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Depakote severely heightens cancer risk

Depakote is an anticonvulsant psychiatric drug that significantly increases one’s chances of getting certain types of cancer. It’s used as a sedative for manic highs, hyperactivity, migraines and epileptic seizures. Among other serious side effects, taking Depakote...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Depression in the Elderly and Psychiatric Drugs

Depression in elderly patients is commonly treated with the use of psychiatric drugs, especially when these seniors live in assisted living situations or nursing homes. The rate of depression, one might assume, would increase when the elderly are far from family and...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

NIMH Casts Aside DSM V

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the federal agency that conducts and supports research that seeks to understand, treat, and prevent mental illness. NIMH recently dismissed the long awaited DSM V manual as being unworthy of NIMH’s future research and...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Toddlers Labeled with Internet Addiction Disorder

Internet addiction disorder is a controversial psychiatric label placed on people who spend a lot of time in a variety of internet activities. These have included visiting gambling and pornography websites, spending too much time playing online games or constantly...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Informed Consent and Psychiatric Drugging

All 50 states now require an informed consent document be signed before medical treatment of either a physical or mental nature. A psychiatrist, like a medical doctor, is required to tell his patient of any benefits, risks and alternatives to his proposed treatment....

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

DSM-V Shows Insanity of Psychiatry

The latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) is due to be released this month.  It has been published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) since 1952.  Its purpose is to identify and classify “mental disorders.”  In...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Informed Consent and Psychiatric Drugging

All 50 states now require an informed consent document be signed before medical treatment of either a physical or mental nature. A psychiatrist, like a medical doctor, is required to tell his patient of any benefits, risks and alternatives to his proposed treatment....

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Putting Children on Antipsychotics Is Unconscionable

Antipsychotics are dangerous mind-altering psychiatric drugs that are usually prescribed for schizophrenia and bipolar.  They are increasingly being prescribed for disruptive behavior “disorders” in children.  These drugs have enough alarming potential side effects so...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Mental Disorder Test Must Include Physical Exam

Any mental disorder test should be accompanied by a physical exam. Since the psychiatric profession admits there is no mental disorder test to determine which of their many labeled mental diseases a person may have, it is important to look elsewhere for a cause. For...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Mitochondrial Disease and Psychiatric Disorders

Mitochondrial disease is a physical disease, not a mental one. The condition results from the failure of the mitochondria, which are specialized parts in almost every cell of the body. The mitochondria create over 90% of the body’s energy; energy which is required to...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Going to Sleep with Benzodiazepines Carry Huge Risks

Benzodiazepines tranquilizers first appeared in 1960 with the introduction of Librium followed in 1963 by Valium. This class of drug was originally intended for anxiety but since they made people drowsy, they also started being prescribed as a sleep aid. These two...

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CCHR Florida on Bay News 9

CCHR Florida on Bay News 9

CCHR Florida's Television Commercial Thanks to the help of Bay News 9 and thanks to Dr. Richard Wallace at Bayside Urgent Care CCHR Florida's commercial has now started airing all week long on Bay News 9! Take a look and pass it along!   CCHR Florida has a...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Insomnia is More Desirable Than Side Effects of Halcion

Halcion is a psychiatric drug used to treat insomnia and sometimes to reduce anxiety before dental work.  It is a benzodiazepine which means it is a sedative hypnotic.  It basically makes your central nervous system go into low gear so that you can go to sleep or be...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

What is Anorexia? Mental Treatment vs. Physical Causes

What is anorexia? The free online medical dictionary defines anorexia nervosa as “an eating disorder usually occurring in adolescent females, characterized by refusal to maintain a normal minimal body weight, fear of gaining weight or becoming obese, disturbance of...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Psychiatric Drugs Made Colorado Shooter Violent

Last summer James Holmes opened fire in a Colorado movie theater and killed twelve people and wounded more than fifty others. Mainstream media didn’t give any logical motives and did not even ask the right kind of questions. Doesn’t anyone wonder how a graduate...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Can Anxiety Attack Symptoms Be Caused by Food Allergies?

Many doctors and nutritionists are finding that anxiety attack symptoms and some types of depression are the result of food allergies. Correct the diet and the person's unwanted mental and emotional symptoms disappear. This research flies in the teeth of psychiatric...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

DSM-5 is Coming – Watch Out

DSM-5, the 5th and latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association is scheduled to appear in May 2013. It continues the tradition of creating new psychiatric disorders on a totally...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Long-Term Study on ADHD Lacking and Misleading

A new study followed children diagnosed with ADHD into adulthood.  It claims that ADHD is not just a childhood disorder but can continue into adulthood.  It claims that children diagnosed with ADHD were more likely to develop at least one other psychiatric disorder. ...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Designer Drugs and Street Drugs Have Roots in Psychiatry

Back in the day, it seems like there were only a few drugs used that fall under substance abuse.  Going as far back as the sixties, LSD, heroin, valium, and cocaine are names that most people are familiar with.  Today, in addition to these drugs, there are many new...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Benzodiazepine Cause Anti-Social Behavior in Fish

Oxazepam is in the benzodiazepine family of drugs. Benzodiazepines are known as central nervous system depressants, which are medicines that slow down the nervous system. In Sweden enough of it is being prescribed that the quantity of the drug passing through human...

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New Video: Youth and Xanax

New Video: Youth and Xanax

Too many young adults are "sharing" their prescription drugs, without any real knowledge of the potentially fatal consequences.  It's vital to raise awareness of the FDA warnings on mental health meds in order to guarantee the future of our youth. New Video:...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

ADHD–News Update

An article in CNN Health, of January 21st, 2013, suggests that ADHD is on the rise, with 5.6% of America’s white children being diagnosed in 2010 and a marked increase of some 69.6% of African-American children diagnosed with the so-called disease between 2001 and...

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Early Intervention – A Fraud with a Hidden Agenda

Mental Health Meds DO Cause Suicide and Violence

School massacres have been happening for almost fifteen years now if one regards Columbine in 1999 as the first one of note.  Mass shootings and murder-suicides date back much earlier.  It certainly appears that massacres by young men have been occurring in increasing...

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Our Soldiers put at more risk

  Experiments trying out ecstasy effects on soldiers labeled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) were promoted in an article in the military newspaper “Stars and Stripes” on Nov 20th.  Ecstasy (or MDMA) is a party drug popular in the 1980’s and 1990’s and...

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Early Symptoms of Autism and Psychiatric Drugs

Early Symptoms of Autism and Psychiatric Drugs

There are early symptoms of autism that parents are told to watch for in a baby or toddler. Some of them are: Does not respond with a smile if you smile at him or her Will not respond to a familiar voice or to his name Won’t reach to you to be picked up Doesn’t wave...

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Schools Should Not Have Programs to Detect Mental Illness

Of course no one wants another school massacre like the one that just occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary a couple of months ago.  So how do we prevent such a tragedy from happening again?  Some think having armed guards at schools will protect our kids.  Others think...

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Contact CCHR Florida

109 N. Fort Harrison Ave.
Clearwater, Florida 33755
Tel: 1-800-782-2878