
What is PTSD – and Is there a Cure?

What is PTSD and how is it treated? PTSD, or post traumatic stress syndrome, is defined by The Mayo Clinic as “a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

The danger of Florida sex offenders has become a money-maker for psychiatrists. At taxpayer’s expense, mental health “experts” like psychiatrists and psychologists charge Floridians an enormous sum every time they testify. Due to a law passed in 1999 to keep mentally...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

ADHD Drugs are for Profits Not Patients’ Health

Most people are familiar with ADHD and the stimulant drugs that are prescribed for treatment.  What most people don’t know is that the information they get about ADHD and/or about ADHD drugs is mostly false, lacking or misleading.  Drug companies go to great lengths...

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Bath Salts Cause Drug Induced Psychosis

Drug induced psychosis can be a direct result of ingesting a product known as bath salts. No, these are not your grandmother’s bath salts. These are drugs manufactured by street chemists under such names as "Ivory Wave," "Purple Wave," Vanilla Sky," and "Bliss."...

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Children Drowning in Psychotropic Medications

In a recent article Consumer Reports explained how too many USA kids are taking antipsychotic medication for no good reason. Consumer Reports has been around since 1936 when mass media advertising began. As an independent, non-profit organization their mission is to...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Bullying Not Related to Mental Health

Whatever your age, it’s most likely you are familiar with bullies.  There is always one in every class picking on someone and causing trouble, thus explaining how the phrase ‘pick on someone your own size’ came to be.  Despite the existence of bullies since time...

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Child Hyperactivity Solved without ADHD Drugs

New research in Ireland has shown that hyperactive children, commonly labeled as ADHD and then made quiet with drugs, can be better served with some common sense parenting. The National University of Ireland at Maynooth has completed a 5 year study that has shown that...

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Bipolar Children – A Drug Business In Disguise

A book published in 2013 has revealed how psychiatrists and drug companies using the labels “bipolar children” and “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD have caused unimaginable harm to children while reaping great profits for themselves. Author...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Children Should Never Have to Go Through Paxil Withdrawal

The side effects of Paxil, a popular prescribed anti-depressant drug, are well known. They include insomnia, anxiety, seizures, hallucinations and suicidal thoughts. Paxil withdrawal is a clinically recognized condition for those wishing to stop taking the drug; it’s...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Do I have ADD? The Answer is No

The question is, Do I have ADD? The answer according to many experts, is an emphatic “No.” This nonexistent mental disorder was dreamed up by the psychiatric industry in order to promote and sell mind-altering drugs. Outspoken psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin has this...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

No Incentives for Psychiatric Meds

Apparently, it is common for “mentally ill” patients to not take their psychiatric meds as often as recommended.  However, a recent study published in the British Medical Journal has shown that severely “mentally ill” patients take their meds more often when given a...

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Our Veterans Given Psychotropic Drugs for No Reason

Researchers at Yale School of Medicine recently reported in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry that 30% of the veterans given psychotropic drugs had not been diagnosed with any mental health problem. The lead author of the study, psychiatrist Ilse Wiechers,...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Zoloft and Pregnancy Dangers

Antidepressants and pregnancy are a dangerous combination. A mother taking Prozac, Zoloft or other antidepressants of this type are increasing their risk of bearing a child with autism. It is a significant risk; they are twice as likely to have an autistic child as a...

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College Suicide follows Adderall Abuse

Adderall abuse and addiction has gotten mixed into the drive to succeed and perform well in USA high schools and universities. Adderall is a Class 2 Narcotic, an amphetamine in the same class as cocaine. It can be very addictive Reportedly, more than 6.4 million...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Bullying and Intimidation in Schools

Bullying has become a threat to our children’s happiness and welfare. Despite bullying laws in Florida and elsewhere, the intimidation continues. In a 2013 Florida statutes states that Bullying “includes cyberbullying and means systematically and chronically...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Twitter a Tool for Mental Health Surveillance

Most people would agree that social media has made the world a different place.  Twitter and Facebook can be useful tools for communication.  Like most anything, both have good points and bad points.  It is fun for many to get to know their favorite celebrities via...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Antidepressants Are Prescribed As If They Are Candy

Remember the old doctor’s saying, take two aspirin and call me in the morning?  Today, the saying has become take an antidepressant and see me in three weeks.  Whether you are depressed or not, antidepressants are prescribed readily.    Antidepressants are dangerous...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Synthetic Drugs Destroying Lives

Synthetic drugs, sold under the euphemistic term “bath salts” and “incense” have caused an endless array of psychotic behavior. According to psychiatrist Daniel Bober, these substances are stimulants. Users have experienced psychosis, paranoia and agitation. Those...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Postpartum Depression + Risperidone +DC Car Chase = Death

Miram Carey, a dental hygienist who lived in Stamford, Conn., was shot to death in her car by Washington D.C. law enforcement personnel on Oct. 3rd 2013 following a high speed chase along streets leading from the White House to the Capitol Building. Her one year old...

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Suicide Statistics in Soldiers Higher than Ever

The high suicide statistics found among our military is alarming. The fact that soldiers are traumatized by committing acts of war is not surprising. Who among us could kill and watch one’s fellow soldiers killed without consequences to his peace of mind? But the...

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No Benefits for Children Labeled with ADHD

Millions of American children have been labeled with ADHD because of their inattentive, impulsive and hyperactive behavior.  Approximately twenty million children are taking mind-altering drugs like Ritalin.  Has anyone stopped to wonder how so many kids could have...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Obesity Screening Is Dangerous to Your Health

One third of Americans are believed to be obese and another third are thought to be overweight.  This is clearly a national problem, but the American Medical Association has recently classified obesity as a disease.  As a result, there will be more focus on obesity...

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Florida Sex Offenders mean Psychiatrists Profit

Mental Disorder Tests Designed to Sell Antidepressant Drugs

Mental disorder tests have been designed and streamlined to quickly find citizens who can be given a diagnosis of “depression” and then a prescription for one or more antidepressant drugs. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that one in ten...

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New APA President Fails to Defend Psychiatry

The new president of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman, has been very vocal in the past few months since he took office.  He has written several articles attempting to shoot down critics of psychiatry and to promote his profession.  He fails...

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Teenage Suicide and Anti-Psychotic Drugs

Teenage suicide rates have risen sharply and alarmingly over the past decade. This can be attributed to one fact alone: the prescribing of anti-psychotic drugs to children and young adults. The pretended concern of psychiatrists for the mental health of our children...

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THE PSYCHIATRIC INVASION- In the guise of help

Dissatisfied with their less-than-lion’s share of mental care profits, psychiatrists in the 1960s decided to step up their infiltration of society. In a strategically-planned (and secretly documented) ploy, they willfully moved in on the media, education and health...

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Treatment for Internet Addiction Unsubstantiated

Internet addiction was a term coined in 1995 as a joke.  Today it is almost twenty years later and the Bradford Regional Center in Pennsylvania will be offering the first hospital-based treatment program for Internet addiction.  This really is a joke as the basis for...

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Atypical Antipsychotics Harming Florida Medicaid Kids

Florida Medicaid is in the news again as a new investigation into the over prescription of atypical antipsychotic drugs for treating symptoms in very young children was just launched at the Federal level by the Inspector General’s Office at the Department of Health...

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It Seems Impossible

It was just a few days ago one of my patients commented to me about the video we were playing in our office. It was a documentary highlighting the outright fraud perpetuated today by the psychiatric profession, as well as the children and families being destroyed by...

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College Students in Danger from Stimulant Abuse

Like it or not, drugs and alcohol have always been a part of college life.  Most college students use these recreationally and some go one step further and become dependent on one or the other or both.  Some students have also taken amphetamines, otherwise known as...

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Don’t Become a Victim of Psychiatric Fraud

  The profession of psychiatry has successfully established themselves as “experts” in the field of mental health and matters of the mind over the past thirty of forty years.  They have also made the public think that “mental disorders” are just like any real...

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ECT Sugar Coated and Promoted to the Uninformed

ECT (Electroconvulsive therapy) was recently promoted as a benign psychiatric treatment making a great comeback according to an article in USA Today that was repeated in many newspapers throughout Florida. Today electroconvulsive therapy is done with patients hooked...

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SSRI Withdrawal Effects Are Brutal and Long Lasting

SSRI Withdrawal Effects Are Brutal and Long Lasting

In a New York Times article published in March of 2019, the serious side effects of those coming off psychiatric SSRI drugs is explored. Apparently, doctors have been downplaying horrific symptoms lasting from months to years. Symptoms such as these: Insomnia Surges...

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Mental Health and the New Slavery

Life can be tough. Bills to pay, jobs to keep, children to feed, mortgages, taxes, insurance, health problems, a toxic environment, bad education, people who do their best to drag you down… Any of the above and a dozen other categories can cause stress, depression,...

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Mental Health System a Path to Social Security Disability

These days one is led to believe that there are an awful lot of adults and children suffering from ADHD, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder and an endless list of other “mental disorders.”  The mental health system routinely diagnoses “disorders” but offers no cures. ...

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SSI for Children Gives Healthy Kids ADHD Drugs

Low income families have learned that they can boost their household income by getting their children’s normal behavior labeled as a mental disability and receive a monthly check from SSI. SSI (Supplemental Security Income) is a Federal income supplement program run...

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Obama Care Requires New Physical Exam Forms

Physical exam forms are now a requirement for every American with the implementation of Obamacare. There are stories popping up of people who have been told they MUST get this “free wellness check.” One Florida resident said the following regarding her doctor’s...

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109 N. Fort Harrison Ave.
Clearwater, Florida 33755
Tel: 1-800-782-2878