
Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

A diagnosis of depression for kids is a large moneymaker for the pharmaceutical industry. Shockingly, more than one out of every 10 US citizens over age 12 now takes an antidepressant. A diagnosis of depression for kids is thus included in that statistic....

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

‘‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’’

ADHD is one of the many disorders psychiatrists have developed today. It stands for "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder."   There is no actual proof ADHD is real, it's just an "illness" created by psychiatrists by which they give out drugs that have no proof of...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Thyroid Disorder and Depression

A thyroid disorder can lead to depression. It is unfortunate that this side effect has been misdiagnosed by so many psychiatrists. How well do psychiatric practitioners know their medical facts? Would they recognize a thyroid disorder when one is presented? Apparently...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Mood Changes and the Thyroid Gland

Could your mood changes, anxiety and depression be related to the function of your thyroid gland? Doctors have found that abnormal levels of thyroid hormone can depress mood and affect memory. Mood changes could be a sign of a malfunctioning thyroid gland.            ...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Safeguard Florida's vulnerable children!

There is more work to be done to safeguard Florida's vulnerable children! CCHR Florida cares about Florida's foster care children and their right to say "no" to psychiatric drugging.  Too many tragic consequences have occurred in our state, among this population of...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Psychiatric Meds behind school shootings?

Antidepressants have been known to cause violent and suicidal thoughts, There have been countless school shootings in the past ten years that ended up to be massacres. In ninety percent of all the school shootings, the shooters either were on or had taken psychotropic...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Mental Health Counselor Voluntarily Relinquishes License

The Scales of Justice --In Favor of Human Rights William Hayes, Florida Mental health counselor Voluntarily Relinquished his license to avoid further administrative action.  This was done with the understanding that his voluntary relinquishment shall be looked upon as...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Mental Health Issues – Depression and Exercise

For those with mental health issues, there is promising news. Many studies have shown that exercise lowers depression. Using exercise as a way to beat the blues is a much safer alternative than taking psychotropic drugs with their abundance of dangerous side effects....

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The Catastrophe of Child Mental Health

The Catastrophe of Child Mental Health

The subject of child mental health has become a world-wide tragedy. The vested interests of both the psychiatric profession and big pharmaceutical companies have co-opted child mental health into a money-making proposition. There are documented dangers to flooding a...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Ritalin destroying hearts?

  Ritalin is one of the most common medications to treat ADHD and ADD in children. It is also one of the most deadliest!  "Stimulant products and atomoxetine should generally not be used in patients with serious heart problems, or for whom an increase in blood...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Increased Labeling and Drugging of ADHD In Children

  In September, the American Academy of Pediatrics demanded increased FDA warnings about psychotropic drugs causing diabetes and other health problems in children.  Despite the contradiction, the American Academy of Pediatrics just now approved testing even more...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Xanax a party drug causing Xanax Addiction and Death?

Xanax is commonly known as an anti depressant prescribed by psychiatrists and has many terrible side effects. Like any other drug it can cause "Xanax addiction"  and has a terrible effect on ones mind and body. But Xanax being used as a party drug and mixed with...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Mental Health Services and the Girl Scouts

Not surprisingly, Mental health services as promoted by psychologists have stooped to a new low. Now they are getting the Girl Scouts to do their dirty work. The debate goes on as to whether the subject of psychology is a real science or simply a belief system. In...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

2 days until the CCHR Florida Weekend starts!

Friday 8pm-2am, Halloween Party for those over 18 years old. $15 ticket (to benefit CCHR Florida) 22 N. Ft. Harrison Ave. or call 830-265-1835   Saturday 7:30-9:30, CCHR Florida-Capitol Theater Concert located at 405 Cleveland...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Antibiotics Used as Mental Health Treatment in Children

In a pilot trial being done by the University of South Florida, children are being tested to see if a strong antibiotic is an effective mental health treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).  Yes that is correct, tested.  This raises red flag questions like...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

The truth about Psychiatric drugs

The recent reliance on psychiatric drugs to treat any and all problems in thought, learning, traumatic and even social situations, often replaces actual solutions to life’s problems.   Psychiatric drugs have become a mainstream phrase that 100% of our population is...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Teenage Stress-Dangers of Drug Abuse

Teenage stress can be dangerous. Some studies show that up to 73% of teens who use drugs began taking them primarily due to worry over school grades. Discord in the family has also been shown to be a contributing factor to teenage stress. The same study showed that...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

OCD in Children and Psychiatric Testing

A boom in the diagnosis of OCD in children has given the psychiatric industry a new playing field. What are the current methods used by psychiatrists to enforce their fascination with drugging children as a means to “cure” mental disease? And how do antibiotics relate...

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Borderline Personality Disorder: Does it really Exist?

What is borderline personality disorder? Is it possible that this is not a true disorder Borderline personality disorder or BPD is described in the psychiatric bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), as a pattern of unstable interpersonal relationships....

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Is Spongebob bad for kids?

Is SpongeBob bad for kids, even causing ADD symptoms? Should children be exposed to these fast paced cartoons? There have been some recent studies that point in this direction. So truly, is SpongeBob bad for kids, and if so, why?   In a recent study of 4 year...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Why Are Children on Antipsychotics?

Antipsychotics are being increasingly prescribed to children at an alarming rate, some as young as two years old. With many adverse side effects, lack of precise diagnoses and no evidence of long-term results, it is a valid question to ask why are children on...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Story of a four year old boy who didn't have ADHD!

A Four Year Old Boy---Gets to go to school and be a child CCHR Florida received a call from a mom who was told that her four year old son probably had ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). The School Psychologist suggested the mother take her little boy to...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

The Use of Dangerous Antipsychotics In Children

Pediatric Health Advisers Urge FDA to Take Action Regarding Use of Antipsychotics in Children Because it has become scientifically fashionable to label normal childhood behaviors (such as short attention spans, higher energy levels, difficulty learning, shyness and...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Psychiatric Drugs for Psychiatric Disorders May Shorten Life

Psychiatric disorders may indeed shorten life. But not for what may seem like the “obvious” reason. Psychologists’ own studies have found psychiatric drugs shortening life by many years. If treatment for psychiatric disorders can result in early death, are patients...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Personality Disorders: Who Can Decide What is Normal?

Personality disorders, mental disorders and mental illnesses are all terms to designate some kind of supposed abnormal behavior that needs to be treated. At least, that is what a psychiatrist would say. But who is to say what is normal and what constitutes a so-called disorder?

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

TeenScreen: Benevolent or Malevolent? (Good or Bad?)

Mental Health Screening of School Children The Aug. 30, 2011 article in The Wall Street Journal, “Will Students Take A Mental Health Test”, covers the seemingly benevolent issue of whether Florida and other state schools should engage in mental health screening. ...

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Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises

Psychiatrist James L Schaller Pleads In Gun Threat Case

Naples News Nationally Known Psychiatrist Pleads in Gun Threat Case A nationally known Naples [Florida] child psychiatrist who pointed a gun at his teenage son's friend, then allegedly threatened his 15-year-old son, pleaded today to aggravated assault with a deadly...

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Judge Sends Therapist to Prison for 35 Years for Medicare-Fraud

The sentencing of Marianella Valera, 40, came only days after the same judge sent her 49-year-old boyfriend, Lawrence Duran, to prison for 50 years. The pair ran Miami-based American Therapeutic Corp, which prosecutors say defrauded the taxpayer-funded Medicare program of more than $200 million.

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What are the Real Facts About Depression?

Psychiatry proclaims that depression is a mental illness which needs to be treated with antidepressants. However, the actual facts about depression do not support this. Of course you can be depressed, but it is not a mental disorder, nor is it a disease. It is neither caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. Some forms of depression are a normal part of life. Other kinds of depression may need more investigation to find the cause.

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Snorting Bath Salts?

Believe it or not, snorting bath salts has become a dangerous new pastime for some young people. What drugs do these bath salts contain? Snorting, smoking and injecting these substances can produce dangerous, even deadly side effects. Snorting “designer” bath salts...

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Are Children with Bipolar Becoming Drug Guinea Pigs?

Are children with Bipolar the victims of a huge profit-making scheme? Is it possible that the uptick in childhood bipolar diagnosis is related to the huge profits experienced by drug companies and psychiatrists promoting these drugs? There are prominent child...

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Children with Anxiety

There are plenty of things for adults to be anxious about these days, but what about children? Since children have less life experience, less control over their lives and get more influence from others, it would be logical that children could be more prone to anxiety...

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OCD in Children Facts

What is OCD in children, and how is it treated? What risks are involved in standard psychiatric drug treatment? There may be physical causes for what appears to be OCD, and ways to handle it that are not dependent on psychiatric drugs. How do you know if your child...

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Vyvanse Side Effects in Children

Vyvanse is a psychiatric drug used to treat children ages six to twelve with ADHD.   It is different than other ADHD drugs because it has to be swallowed and digested before the drug takes effect.  However, it is similar to other ADHD drugs because Vyvanse side...

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Intuniv Side Effects

Are Intuniv side effects something to be concerned with? A parent guide distributed by Shire Pharmaceuticals was criticized by the FDA’s Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communication (DDMAC ). According to the DDMAC, the risk factors involved with taking...

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Tremendous amount of money spent on mental health care

A Public Service Announcement from the Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Florida Friday's CNN Report: Clearly shows a tremendous amount of money going into the mental health industry Wondering what the amount of money spent on mental health care actually is?...

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Contact CCHR Florida

109 N. Fort Harrison Ave.
Clearwater, Florida 33755
Tel: 1-800-782-2878