Top Prescribers – Nationwide Investigation – More stories

Jail Psychiatrist Arrested and Fired

Orlando Sentinel State: Jail psychiatrist billed for unnecessary treatment at 2nd job December 10, 2010 By Jeff Weiner Court records show a psychiatrist who saw patients at Orange County Jail before his arrest last week is accused of ripping off an insurance company...

Electroshock Therapy’s Permanent Damage

Electroshock therapy still exists, despite a long-established record of permanent mental damage and memory loss. Psychiatrist Michael Corry is an opponent to this “therapy.” In his words: “Memory loss is the first obvious result. Other factors compromised include...

Big Pharma Worries About Online PR

Big pharma has a PR problem. This was a topic of concern at ExL Pharma’s Digital Pharma conference last month.   Specifically discussed, were the lawsuits filed against AstraZenca concerning side effects from their antipsychotic, Seroquel. An article in the...
Top Prescribers – Nationwide Investigation – More stories

Feds Eye High Prescribers

U.S. Grassley’s investigation started with a Miami Psychiatrist who wrote $43 Million worth of prescriptions from 2004-2009.  It was calculated that psychiatrist Fernando Mendez-Villamil wrote an average of 153 prescriptions a day for 18 months ending in March...
Big Pharma Targets Mothers and Infants

Big Pharma Targets Mothers and Infants

The Mother’s Act, or Mom’s Opportunity to Access Health, Education, Research and Support for Postpartum Depression Act has one bit of truth in its full name. It does support depression. Just ask Amy Philo.1   When Amy’s newborn had a severe reaction to a formula given...
Top Prescribers – Nationwide Investigation – More stories

Alienist Investigation Continues

  It started with the high prescribing Miami alienist* who wrote 284,908 prescriptions over the past six years which cost Florida taxpayers $43 million.  See here:   *Alienist – Psychiatrist;...

ADHD and the Environment

What is the source of ADHD?  Does anyone know for a fact?  Psychiatrists will list out the many symptoms, but where is the information that shows where those symptoms are coming from?  Where is the test?    Keeping that in mind, in an article entitled “8 ADHD Culprits...
Top Prescribers – Nationwide Investigation – More stories

Marketing Over Safety

Did you know that drug companies make 14.6 BILLION dollars annually on just antipsychotics alone?  That’s more than any other class of drug.  It didn’t used to be that way.  Antipsychotics used to be prescribed only for the severely “mentally ill” but now according to...