by CCHR Florida | Mar 29, 2011 | Legislation, Mental Health Screening
Feds may act if Florida stalls on health-reform law, March 24, 2011 WASHINGTON — If Florida leaders refuse to carry out the new national health care law, Uncle Sam is prepared to take charge on behalf of the state’s consumers… ...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 29, 2011 | Psychiatric Drugs
Is there a link between psychiatric medicine and violent behavior? This connection was reported in our post Psychiatric Drugs Do Cause Harm: “Of the 1937 total case reports of violence toward others, there were 387 cases of homicide, 404 physical assaults, 27...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 28, 2011 | Elderly, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs
A recent article from The American Lawyer Academy discusses the continued unethical and dangerous use of psychotropic drugs on seniors. Rather than providing seniors with the care and compassion one would expect, such “care” often takes the form of strong psychiatric...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 23, 2011 | Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS ADVOCATE AND CONSTITUTIONAL ATTORNEY TO SPEAK ABOUT THE HARM TO CHILDREN FROM UNWARRANTED DRUGGING Attorney and author John Whitehead will address the public about the right to Informed Consent during the annual statewide...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 17, 2011 | Mental Health Screening
Information: Florida has a chance to opt out of the mandatory requirements of the Federal Health Care Bill. This Federal Bill has many mandatory mental health screening programs: click here to learn more about those programs...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 16, 2011 | Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
International Civil Rights Advocate: Constitutional Attorney John W. Whitehead to speak at the Clearwater Candlelight Vigil in memory of Gabriel Myers and the Right to Informed Consent John Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 15, 2011 | Psychiatric Drugs
What is agranulocytosis? “Agranulocytosis is a condition that results from failure of an individual’s bone marrow to produce a sufficient quantity of white blood cells, or increased destruction of the white blood cells. As a result, the white blood cell count...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 8, 2011 | Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
This year’s Florida’s statewide candelight vigil in memory of Gabriel Myers and the right to Informed Consent information may be found below. Please join us in Clearwater! When: April 16, 2011; 7:30pm – 9pm Where: At the bridge...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 8, 2011 | Military & Veterans
Recent military deaths are not all the result of what one would expect – violent combat – but, in an increasing number of cases, from medications being prescribed to “help” soldiers. The NY Times article of Feb 12, 2011, By James Dao, Benedict...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 7, 2011 | Psychiatric Drugs
Carbamazepine, marketed as Tegretol, is an anti-seizure medication sometimes used to treat Bi-polar Disorder. Tegretol side effects can be extremely dangerous and life-threatening. When used to prevent epileptic seizures, this drug’s benefit was thought to outweigh...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 2, 2011 | Military & Veterans
Recent military deaths are not all the result of what one would expect – violent combat – but, in an increasing number of cases, from medications being prescribed to “help” soldiers. The NY Times article of Feb 12, 2011, By James Dao, Benedict Carey and...
by CCHR Florida | Feb 28, 2011 | ECT
Dr. John Breeding speaks about the FDA hearing on the ECT Device A Final Tribute and Final Word My work is challenging psychiatric oppression. One source of my education on oppression theory is the Re-evaluation Counseling Community. From them I learned...
by CCHR Florida | Feb 25, 2011 | Children and Teens, Suicide
If there is one thing that I believe we can all agree on, it’s that children committing suicide due to psychotropic medication is unacceptable and must stop. CCHR Florida has been meeting with many Florida families to get this important message to them....
by CCHR Florida | Feb 23, 2011 | ECT
FDA panel advises more testing of ‘shock-therapy’ devices By David Brown Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, January 28, 2011; 10:10 PM An expert panel advising the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided Friday that electroconvulsive...
by CCHR Florida | Feb 22, 2011 | Fraud
A widening federal investigation into a Miami-based company accused of Medicare fraud netted the arrest of several doctors along with more than a dozen other defendants. BY JAY WEAVER February 15, 2011 A trio of doctors altered the diagnoses and...