Psychiatric Drugs and Violence

Psychiatric Drugs and Violence

Is there a link between psychiatric medicine and violent behavior? This connection was reported in our post Psychiatric Drugs Do Cause Harm:   “Of the 1937 total case reports of violence toward others, there were 387 cases of homicide, 404 physical assaults, 27...
Feds may act if Florida stalls on health-reform law

Medicating the Military Backfires

Recent military deaths are not all the result of what one would expect – violent combat – but, in an increasing number of cases, from medications being prescribed to “help” soldiers.    The NY Times article of Feb 12, 2011, By James Dao, Benedict...
Feds may act if Florida stalls on health-reform law

Medicating the Military Backfires

Recent military deaths are not all the result of what one would expect – violent combat – but, in an increasing number of cases, from medications being prescribed to “help” soldiers.   The NY Times article of Feb 12, 2011, By James Dao, Benedict Carey and...
Feds may act if Florida stalls on health-reform law

Feds make more arrests in major Medicare fraud case

A widening federal investigation into a Miami-based company accused of Medicare fraud netted the arrest of several doctors along with more than a dozen other defendants.   BY JAY WEAVER February 15, 2011     A trio of doctors altered the diagnoses and...