
Rampant Veteran Suicides in Florida: The Whitewashed Connection
Would you be given to believe that the exceptionally high suicide death rates amongst some of our most deserving, the veterans in Florida, are just a mere accident or more than that? According to the VA, Florida has the highest ratio of veterans to the general...

Forced Psychiatric Treatment: Is Anyone Safe?
All 50 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. have laws that permit involuntary psychiatric treatment, based on several landmark Supreme Court cases. The premise is safety for society, yet the results are catastrophic. Empirical evidence A 2014 Danish registry study...

March is Self-Harm Month: The Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Florida Offers a Look at the Risks and Possible Solutions
Unfortunately, the natural progression laid out by the psychiatric community often leads to a prescription of psychotropic drugs with no resolution of the original problem. March is annually observed as Self-Harm Awareness Month but unless you are involved in mental...

When a person is taken into custody under the mental health law in Florida and sent for an involuntary psychiatric examination it can be very scary for them and their friends and family. Commonly referred to as a “Baker Act” the initiation of an involuntary exam, what...

The Hidden Dangers of the Baker Act: How Florida’s Mental Health Law is Failing Families
For thousands of Florida parents, the Baker Act has become a nightmare rather than a safeguard. Originally designed as an emergency intervention for those who pose an immediate danger to themselves or others, the law is now widely misused and abused, particularly...

CCHR Florida’s Black History Month Open House: Is Racism Still Alive?
The Florida chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights is hosting a month-long open house at their center, located at 109 N. Fort Harrison Ave in downtown Clearwater, in order to raise awareness on the truth behind racism for Black History Month. The open...

Children’s Mental Health Week: What Parents Need to Know
This February during Children’s Mental Health Week, when industry attention and advertising is focused on children, parents should take a moment to examine what is actually happening in our schools to solicit potential new patients through mental health screening. So...

America the Drugged: The Ugly Truth About Violence in Our Communities
Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died due to drugs and the efforts to prevent drug abuse have not stopped this crisis. But underneath it all is a hidden tale of addiction, violence and the greed of those who profess their intention to help. The War on Drugs The...

Hundreds Attend the Citizens Commission on Human Rights Hosted Event in Honor of Purple Heart Day
August 7th is observed annually across the country to recognize those who have been awarded the Purple Heart Medal for their sacrifice in service to the United States. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), an award-winning nonprofit that works to protect...

The Baker Act and Your Rights: One Attorney’s Perspective
By: Dr. Stephen Talmadge Ph.D. psychology | Attorney INTRODUCTION I will address many questions about Baker Acts and will present a brief history and some facts about prevalence. I will talk about whether the Baker Act is criminal or civil law, patient rights, and...

Mental Health Expert: Why Are We Still Electroshocking Children?
Today's doctors are struggling to treat psychological problems and despite that, we are still using electroshock — even on children. In 2003, Dr. Loren Mosher and Professor David Cohen wrote a brief paper, "The Ethics of Electroconvulsive Therapy." Cohen starts by...

Testimonials – The Baker Act
These are letters and emails thanking CCHR Florida for the help provided to families: "Thanks for sending the documents, for all of your help and encouragement, and for being so accessible when I felt utterly helpless. The Baker Act Facility wore my daughter down...

Human Rights Expert: Parents Deserve to Be Involved In Their Child’s Mental Health
If you were to read the news or do a simple Google search for mental health and children, you'd be bombarded with stories feigning a mental health crisis among children in the United States, demanding change. However, these stories are spun by the same people behind...

Human Rights Expert: How To Ensure School Mental Health Initiatives Don’t Violate Parental Rights
While some argue that school children are facing a mental health crisis and demand answers, perhaps the question we should be asking is: Why are schools involved in children's mental health in the first place? As administrators, legislators and parents in the United...

Mental Health Expert: Debunking the Holiday Season Suicide Rates Myth
Although many individuals do struggle during the winter months and deserve effective care, the idea that suicide rates climb over the holidays is false. Acknowledging that people can struggle at any time of the year, getting people the help they need whenever...

Psychotropic Medication and Addiction: What You Can Do
According to research, "Psychiatric medications are among the most heavily advertised prescriptions in the United States. [...] Psychiatric drugs comprised three of the five most advertised classes of medication and were among the first drugs to attain 'blockbuster'...

CCHR Florida Takes Home the Platinum Award for Government Relations in Campaign to Protect Children
Recognized for their outstanding work, CCHR organized a campaign that helped pass key pieces of legislation protecting children and parental rights. On October 12th, the Florida chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) took home the 2022 Platinum...

Human Rights Expert: Is ECT making mental healthcare better or worse?
What Is ECT? Electroconvulsive therapy sends electricity through the brain. The voltage can be as high as 460, and the current causes a surge of electrical activity, resulting in a seizure. ECT got its start in 1934 when psychiatrist Ladislas Meduna, having recognized...

Human Rights Expert: Why Everyone Should Care About Coercive Psychiatry
To Lead the World in Freedom, We Must Start With Mental Health Around the world, civil liberties are declining. People in the United States have long celebrated these freedoms and have woven them into the fabric of American culture. The right to have autonomy over...

Mass Acts of Violence in Our Communities, Are We Asking the Right Questions?
More than 30 studies, drug regulatory agency warnings and expert opinion link psychotropic drugs to violent and suicidal behavior. According to a report, “Psychiatric Drugs: Create Violence & Suicide”, written and released by the Citizens Commission on Human...

CCHR Florida Wins the 2022 Social Impact Award: Campaign Protects Children and Parental Rights
The international Social Impact Awards honor communicators who use their platforms to better their community and the global community at large. The Florida chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) received the 2022 Social Impact Award for their work...

CCHR Florida Receives PRNEWS Nonprofit Award 2022 for Social Responsibility
Awarded for outstanding work, CCHR developed a successful strategy to organize a campaign resulting in the passing of legislation to protect parental rights. Many apply but only few are chosen. Each year PRNEWS Nonprofit Awards spotlight organizations challenging...

This April, CCHR Reminds You to Not Only Eliminate Stress but to Also Avoid Dangerous Solutions
In honor of April being Stress Awareness Month, CCHR provides tips to combat stress while avoiding false solutions that could actually be harmful. April is Stress Awareness Month. In challenging times, everyone has experienced stress to some degree. It’s just the way...

Human Rights Expert: Why We Need a Foster Child Bill of Rights
Legislation Can Make a Positive Difference For a range of reasons still being explored, the foster care system suffers from mishandling. This problem can be solved mainly by providing more rights to both children and their caregivers, including the parents with whom,...

Human Rights Expert: What the Mental Health Industry Gets Wrong About Suicide Prevention
Money May Fuel the Problem of Poor Mental Health Care Even though professionals have reframed mental distresses in different ways through the years (e.g., mental disorder, disorders of the brain), we are no closer to pinpointing a cause or cure than before, and there...

Holiday Suicide Myths: Contrary to Beliefs, CDC Reports that Suicide Rates are Lowest in December
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that the holiday suicide myth supports misinformation about suicide and might actually hinder prevention efforts. Despite all efforts to counteract suicide more than 48,000 people took their own lives in 2018. Recognized as...

Parents’ Bill of Rights – The Right to Help in Times of Crisis
As a parent in Florida, you have the right to help your minor child in a time of crisis before the initiation of a Baker Act. Schools are required to make reasonable attempts to notify a parent before initiating a Baker Act on a student. To learn more about your...

Parents’ Bill of Rights – The Right to Be Notified
As a parent in Florida, you have the right to be notified immediately if your minor child is removed from school, school transportation, or a school-sponsored activity and taken to a receiving facility for an involuntary examination. To learn more about your rights,...

Parents’ Bill of Rights – The Right to Refuse the Psychiatric Drugging of Your Child
As a parent, you have the right to refuse to give your minor child psychotropic/psychiatric drugs as a requirement for attendance or participation in public school services. To learn more about your rights, please visit

Parents’ Bill of Rights – The Right to Refuse Psychological Screenings
As a parent you have the right to refuse psychological screening of your minor child in Florida. To learn more about your rights, visit

Parents’ Bill of Rights – The Right to Make Healthcare Decisions
As a parent in Florida, you have the right to make health care and mental health care decisions for your minor child, unless otherwise prohibited by law. For more information on your rights, visit

Parents’ Bill of Rights – The Right to Make Medical Decisions
As a parent in Florida, you have the right to make medical decisions to address any needs of your minor child. This is a matter between you, your minor child, and a competent health care professional chosen by you. To learn more about your rights, visit...

Parents’ Bill of Rights – The Right to Opt Out Health Services
As a parent in Florida, you have the right to opt your minor child out of any services offered under the school health services program by submitting a request in writing. For more information on your rights, visit

Parental Rights and The Baker Act
In 2021, Florida created the Parents’ Bill of Rights. This new section of Florida law makes it clear that it is a fundamental right of a parent to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental health of his or her minor child. Additionally, changes were...

CCHR Applauds World Health Organization Report on Coercive Psychiatry, Electroshock & Consent
The report covers UN resolutions which ask countries to address unlawful institutionalization, overmedication and other practices in the field of mental health. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a 296-page report covering recommendations from the...

Baker Act? Protect Your Children with 5 Simple Steps!
In 2021, the passage of the School Safety Bill, amended Florida law to require parental/guardian notification prior to the initiation of a Baker Act on a minor child. The intention behind these revisions was to reduce the number of inappropriate Baker Acts on children...

Anxiety or Physical Illness? Knowing Which Can Save Your Life
Many people do not realize that individuals with actual physical ailments are misdiagnosed as having a mental disorder all the time. It is a huge problem recognized by the medical and psychiatric community. [1] Unfortunately, it is also a dangerous problem with those...

CCHR Demanding Investigation into Suicide Prevention Failures, Access to Care and Mental Health Funding in Florida
Spending in the mental health market has increased by 52.1% since 2009 yet U.S. suicide rates hit a 50-year historical high. In 2018, there were an estimated 1.4 million suicide attempts and more than 48,000 deaths by suicide, making it the tenth leading cause of...

CCHR Florida Offering Baker Act Continuing Education Course for Professionals
Designed for mental health professionals, the virtual course is delivered by an attorney and covers the basic human rights impacted by the mental health law. Florida’s mental health law, commonly referred to as the Baker Act, allows for individuals of all ages to be...

Baker Acting of Children: Citing Abuse, Advocates Demanding Change to Law
Over 37,000 Baker Acts were initiated in Florida on children during 2018/2019 and advocates are demanding a change to the law to protect children from abuse. The Florida mental health law, commonly called the Baker Act, allows for individuals of all ages to be taken...

CCHR’s Baker Act Continuing Education Courses Help Protect Citizens from Abuse
The Florida chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) began hosting continuing education courses for attorneys in 2018 in response to the alarming number of people taken into custody each year under the Baker Act. Florida’s mental health law, known as...

The Abject Failure of the Mental Health Industry to Prevent Suicide Should be Investigated
Spending in the mental health market has increased by 52.1% since 2009 yet U.S. suicide rates hit a 50-year historical high. In 2018, there were an estimated 1.4 million suicide attempts and more than 48,000 deaths by suicide, making it the tenth leading cause of...

Watchdog Group Demands Change to Laws Governing the Baker Acting of Children
The Baker Act has been a formidable survivor of reformation and according to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, changes to protect children are needed. Decades of abuse and loss of parental rights follow in the wake of the Baker Act. And despite demands for...

Predicting & Preventing Suicide
Predicting & Preventing Suicide In 2018, there were an estimated 1.4 million suicide attempts and more than 48,000 deaths by suicide, making it the tenth leading cause of death in the United States.[i] Recent world events have placed a tremendous amount of...

Mental Health Watchdog Hosts Baker Act Continuing Education Course in Campaign to Protect Citizens from Abuse
The virtual course identifies the basic human rights impacted by the Baker Act, areas of abuse and the unintended consequences. Almost 25 years ago the Florida Supreme Court issued an Executive Summary following a review of the use of the Baker Act. In this report,...

Tens of Thousands of Children Taken into Custody: The Baker Act Must Be Reformed
Baker Act abuse runs rampant and calls for reformation are resounding from press to parents. CCHR says it is time for change, one that is a long time coming. Fifty years of Baker Act abuse and maltreatment is more than enough for Florida citizens, practitioners, and...

Why Florida Needs to Revisit and Reform the Mental Health Law
There is the equivalent of one hundred Baker Acts initiated on children every day of the year. It is no wonder that parents are incensed. Where did it go wrong? Florida’s Mental Health Act of 1971 was designed and meant to protect an individual's rights and due...

Experts Warn – Psychiatric Drugs May Cause More Harm Than Help
Studies have suggested that psychiatric drugs may do more harm than good, especially in the long-term. Antipsychotics, also known as neuroleptics, are a class of medication primarily used to manage psychosis, principally in schizophrenia but also in a range of other...

Information Withheld Concerning Safety of Antidepressants
Reports show that vital information regarding the safety of antidepressants has been suppressed by pharmaceutical companies. The Florida chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), is concerned that vital information has been withheld from the medical...

The Horrors of Addiction – Craving Psychotropics
By far one of the most insidious addictions is one that is started with a doctor’s prescription pad -- for example opioids and psychotropics. The myriad of negative side-effects of psychotropic drugs has often been reported. There is one aspect that has not received...