
What does it take to Baker Act someone in Florida?

What does it take to Baker Act someone in Florida?

There are three criteria that must be met in order for a person to be taken into custody under a Baker Act. A Baker Act can be initiated by judges, law enforcement officials, doctors or mental health professionals. For more information on the Baker Act click here.

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What does it take to Baker Act someone in Florida?

What is the difference between Baker Act and Marchman Act?

The Baker Act is used to involuntarily commit individuals who are considered to be a danger to self or others due to mental illness. The Marchman Act is used to force a person who has a drug or alcohol addiction into treatment. For more information on the Baker Act...

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What does it take to Baker Act someone in Florida?

Does a Baker Act go on your record?

Yes. There will be a medical record, a police record if law enforcement was involved and if a petition is filed for involuntary placement then also a court record. There is no procedure in the law to remove or seal the records of a Baker Act. For more information on...

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What does it take to Baker Act someone in Florida?

Can a Baker Act refuse treatment?

Yes, a person can refuse treatment if it was determined during the initial examination that the person is competent to consent. If the person was deemed incompetent then the facility must to have a guardian advocate appointed. For more information on the Baker Act...

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What does it take to Baker Act someone in Florida?

What happens if you get Baker Acted?

Usually a person who is Baker Acted is transported to a psychiatric facility by law enforcement for an initial examination by a psychiatrist. Once at the facility the person can be held involuntarily for up to 72 hours. Click here for more information on the Baker...

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What are Parental Rights?

What are Parental Rights?

Even before the current pandemic scare, Florida parents have worried about protecting their children, particularly at school. The fact that children were being regularly taken from school without prior parental notice or agreement for involuntary psychiatric...

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The Unworkability of Suicide Risk Assessments

The Unworkability of Suicide Risk Assessments

Suicide is the second-leading cause of death in young people in the US today and suicide risk assessment is often touted as the answer but experts in the field have repeatedly concluded that there is not any one scale that can predict who will commit suicide to any...

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Parental Rights

Parental Rights

Introduction On July 1, 2021, Florida's Parents' Bill of Rights became law. As a parent, you need to know and understand these rights. CCHR has created a series of 15-30 second videos to help explain some of these rights as well as a simple booklet that can be...

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Shooter killed, at least 11 hurt at Pensacola Navy base

Shooter killed, at least 11 hurt at Pensacola Navy base

Authorities say an active shooter is dead after opening fire on multiple people Friday at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, and at least 11 people were hospitalized.Military Acts of Violence Linked to Psychiatric Drugs Marine Lance Corporal Delano Holmes (22), New...

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CCHR Exposes Electroshock Assault Masked as “Therapy”

CCHR Exposes Electroshock Assault Masked as “Therapy”

The mental health industry watchdog, Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) has been investigating what it says is harm in the name of “mental healthcare” for 50 years. Whether it is psychotropic drugs being linked to many mass shootings and stabbings, or the use...

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ECT Damage: Are Psychiatrists Ignorant or Malicious?

ECT Damage: Are Psychiatrists Ignorant or Malicious?

Psychiatrist Ugo Cerletti watched pigs being “anesthetized” with electroshock before they were butchered. This seemed a delightful outcome to Cerletti. He proceeded to experiment on hapless dogs and other animals, producing “reliable epileptic fits.” Apparently, this...

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Study Proves Psychiatric Diagnoses are Worthless

Study Proves Psychiatric Diagnoses are Worthless

Neuroscience News has commented on a study published in Psychiatry Research, which concluded “psychiatric diagnoses are scientifically worthless.” Researchers from the University of Liverpool analyzed 5 key chapters of the latest DSM, a controversial edition of...

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Psychiatric Drugs for Toddlers? Let's Get Real.

Psychiatric Drugs for Toddlers? Let's Get Real.

Health official Jeffrey Brosco is up in arms. He says our sons and daughters (even preschoolers) just aren't getting enough mental health treatment. Of course, Jeffrey does have a special interest in this area, which may go a bit beyond a fatherly concern. Mr. Brosco...

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The Hoax of Biologically Caused Depression

The Hoax of Biologically Caused Depression

Psychiatry and pharmaceutical companies have increasingly pushed the theory that depression has a biological, even genetic cause. However, Science Alert online made this bold statement recently, “New research on depression has debunked decades of work that singled out...

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Mental Illness…Fraud or Fact?

Mental Illness…Fraud or Fact?

Interestingly, mental illness is not considered curable by those who supposedly treat it. In fact, according to the Psychiatric Bible (The DSM), there are hundreds of mental disorders. And not a single one of them has a promised cure. In medicine, there are certainly...

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Don't Psychiatrists know what they're talking about?

Don't Psychiatrists know what they're talking about?

Studies have shown that people tend to believe whatever their doctor tells them. This is sometimes called “white coat syndrome.” And despite numerous articles equating this with a blood pressure rise in the doctor's office, the “syndrome” can be a truly dangerous...

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Black Box Warning on Sleep Aids is not Enough

Black Box Warning on Sleep Aids is not Enough

Federal health regulators announced in April 2019 that manufacturers of certain sleeping pills must now include a “black box” warning alerting consumers of the potential for serious or life-threatening side effects. This is what the agency's safety alert says:...

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Contact CCHR Florida

109 N. Fort Harrison Ave.
Clearwater, Florida 33755
Tel: 1-800-782-2878