Truth About Psychiatry: The Shocking Truth About Psychiatry!
If you wish to know the truth about psychiatry, prepare yourself, because it is disturbing to face the facts about how human beings are being treated by mainstream psychiatry. Liberally prescribing psychotropic drugs for more than two decades including “off-label”...
Antidepressants Cause Autism?
To answer the question whether or not antidepressants cause autism in pregnancy, we first turned to CNN’s article on the subject. In at least one study, it was shown that antidepressants increase the risk of ASD (autism spectrum disorder) in newborn children....
Medicating Children Away
It is not just in Florida one finds doctors medicating children, even toddlers, for behaviors long known as normal in children -- shyness, restlessness, short attention spans, fear/grief when left by parents in a new school, daycare, etc. Britain now has concern about...
Psychiatric Drugs: Caught in the Web of Psychiatry
Forty or so years ago, it would be safe to say no kids were on any psychiatric drugs. ADHD and bipolar disorder in kids was unheard of and most other children’s mental illness labels were nonexistent. Depending on your source, six to seven million children are now on...
Psychotropic Drug Problem: An Alternative Solution
Today, many people are taking psychotropic drugs and have a problem tapering off of them. Mike Cleveland of Setting Captives Free runs into this problem with his parishioners on a regular basis. In an effort to help bring awareness of the alternatives to psychiatric...
Psychiatric Drug Success Story
A Wonderful Story From CCHR Florida. This is a wonderful story from a young man who was helped by CCHR Florida! His father and grandmother were educated, by CCHR Florida, on the FDA warnings regarding psychiatric drugs and the existence of non-psychiatric doctors who...
Psychiatric Drugs are Not Safe During Pregnancy
It’s a given that any woman wants to have a healthy baby. It would follow that normally a mother-to-be would take any precaution necessary to make that happen. She would stop smoking and drinking alcohol, as it is common knowledge now that these cause birth defects,...
Psychiatric Treatment Scam
Psychiatric treatment as practiced by the infamous Dr. Biederman and Dr. Timothy E. Wilens of Harvard University has done nothing to improve this profession’s ever dwindling credibility. Gardiner Harris and Benedict Carey state in their NY Times article: “A...
Serious Side Effects of ObamaCare
The June 26 Huffpost Politics article, A Depressing Story You Need to Read, takes a deeper look into the workings of Obamacare -- and finds some unfortunate consequences. The proclaimed benefits to the taxpayer are not so great, while the drug industry becomes the...
CCHR Florida Meets with the National Congress of Black Women
The information on the harms of psychiatric drugging was of real value to these activists. One of the hardest issues they face on a grass roots level is that a parent with a child on psychotropic drugs receives disability payments as a financial incentive. We...
Newspaper Says Will Expand Investigation of Psychiatrists
Check up on DJJ doctors The Palm Beach Post June 27, 2011 Anyone with an Internet connection can go online and see that Dr. Gold Smith Dorval is on probation with the Florida Board of Medicine and that his medical license was suspended because he stole money from...
Florida Psychiatrist Pleads Guilty to Massive Medicare Fraud
Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, June 30, 2011 Miami-Area Psychiatrist Pleads Guilty for Role in $200 Million Medicare Fraud Scheme WASHINGTON - A Miami-area psychiatrist pleaded guilty today in U.S. District Court in...
Teen Stress Could Lead to Labels
Could stress with your teen lead to false psychiatric labeling? Jeromie Williams, in an article for the, Canada Pop Culture Examiner reports that “Research and records are showing that children and young adults are being diagnosed at higher rates every year with...
Brilliant Plan to Get Respect for Psychiatry and You on Drugs
For ages psychiatry was associated with Freud and all your problems were thought to be rooted in your childhood or from your mother. Psychiatric drugs came on the scene in the 1950’s and psychiatrists shifted away from talk therapy to focusing on the brain with drugs...
Psychiatric Medication Prevents Worsening Depression?
Psychiatric medication is being promoted by Big Pharma as THE way to handle depression, despite dangerous and even lethal side effects. Martha Rosenberg, writing for OpEd News declares, “A good chunk of pharma's $4.5 billion direct-to-consumer advertising has been...
The Marketing of Mental Illness: Drug Profits Soar
A half a decade ago, mental illness was relatively rare, found mostly in mental institutions or out-patient clinics, not in the mainstream. A radically different scene exists today. Millions of school children, previously considered bored or unruly, are now considered...
Senior Abuse
Once people have aged to the point that they can no longer take care of themselves independently, it is commonly thought that it is time to move into an assisted living facility or a nursing home. One would think that one could confidently enjoy one’s golden years...
Troubled Psychiatrists Hired to Treat Children In State Custody
Dosed in juvie jail: Troubled doctors hired to treat kids in state custody Palm Beach Post By Michael LaForgia Sunday, June 19, 2011 By the time Florida started paying Dr. Gold Smith Dorval to counsel and medicate jailed children, the Pembroke Pines psychiatrist...
Mental Illness Symptoms in Celebrities
Mental illness symptoms have been assigned to celebrities throughout the past two centuries, at least. Recently, singer Stevie Nicks described her horrific experience at the hands of a psychiatrist in a Newsweek article. She states, “The biggest mistake I ever made...
Refined Sugar Plays a Role in Mental Illness
In a study published by the British Journal of Psychiatry, a strong correlation was found between consumption of refined sugar and mental illness. Specifically, it was found that a higher incidence of schizophrenia and depression was predictable based on high...

Did you know–Children can be taken to a psychiatric ward from school–Action alert
Over 3000 separate incidences of children being escorted from school grounds to a psychiatric receiving facility and held in a secured ward, separate from their parents, and without parental consent, in one year. More than 3 children out of every 1000 Florida...
The Dangers of Antipsychotics
Antipsychotics (also known as neuroleptics) are psychiatric drugs used to control psychosis such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Thorazine and Haldol are brand names from “the old days” but Zyprexa and Risperdal are the common brand names we see advertised...
Where Mental Illnesses Originate
Mental illness has been growing by leaps and bounds. Psychiatrist Irwin Savodnik declares, “The original diagnostic manual [DSM-Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders] appeared in 1952 and contained 107 diagnoses and 132 pages, by my count. “…in 1994,...
3 Patients Sue Jail Psychiatrist
Another suit filed against embattled jail psychiatrist By TONY HOLT | Hernando Today Published: June 7, 2011 She was offended, violated and wasn't going to take it anymore, she said. The former Hernando County jail inmate reported the alleged sexual harassment by her...
The Future for CCHR Florida!
CCHR Florida Youth Group Saturday's Youth Group Event This week at CCHR Florida we launched our first CCHR Florida Youth Group Event, which included The Trinity Gospel Choir, WDHAN (Music group) Alycia Britt (Dancer) , Elaine Graham, Marina Young (singer and...

Creating Juvenile Zombies, Florida-Style
Miami Herald Creating juvenile zombies, Florida-style May 28, 2011 By Fred Grimm They're children of the new Florida ethic. Zombie kids warehoused on the cheap in the state's juvenile lock-ups. Kept quiet, manageable and addled senseless by great dollops of...
TIME Magazine Slams Psychiatric Drugging of Children and Elderly
Drugging the Vulnerable: Atypical Antipsychotics in Children and the Elderly By Maia Szalavitz Thursday, May 26, 2011 | 59 Comments Pharmaceutical companies have recently paid out the largest legal settlements in U.S. history - including the largest criminal fines...

Antidepressant Drugs Scam Revealed
Are antidepressant drugs a scam? Gwen Olsen is a former representative for Big Pharma. She reveals the truth behind the pharmaceutical industry’s drug promotion in her new book Confessions of an RX Drug Pusher.1 In this Washington Times interview, Ms. Olsen states “…I...
Walking for Mental and Physical Health
Simply taking a walk can be a powerful pill for mental, as well as physical health, say many authorities. When one considers the benefits, walking does make sense. After all, they allow us to view the beauty of nature, to encounter other members of the human race, to...
An Epidemic of Psychiatric Drugs Not Mental Illness
Just as the polio vaccine pretty much wiped out any further cases of the disease, you would think depression and other mental ailments would disappear when Prozac and other “wonder drugs” came on the market more than twenty years ago. This is not the case. In fact,...
Juvenile Delinquency and Antipsychotic Drugging
Juvenile delinquency is a troubling phenomenon, made all the more challenging by the current trend to treat at risk kids with dangerous antipsychotic drugs. In an article by John Kelly written for YouthToday , this alarming information was reported, “A...
Help Children Succeed in School Event–Music and Games for the Entire Family
Help Children Succeed In School Event Saturday, June 4rth, 2011 11am-4pm Music, Games and Fun for the Entire Family Address of the Event: 305 North Fort Harrison Ave Clearwater, Florida 33755 Bake Sale--Lemonade Sale--Music--Fun for the Entire Family...
State Hired Psychiatrists Paid by Drug Companies
Palm Beach Post Dosed in juvie jail: Drug firms pay state-hired doctors By Michael LaForgia Monday May 23, 2011 In Florida's juvenile jails, psychiatrists entrusted with diagnosing and prescribing drugs for wayward children have taken huge speaker fees from drug...
Florida Orders Sweeping Review of Psychiatry's "Big Guns"
"the head of Florida's Department of Juvenile Justice ordered a sweeping review of the department's use of antipsychotic medications" Palm Beach Post Huge doses of potent antipsychotics flow into state jails for troubled kids By Michael LaForgia May 21, 2011 Florida...
Is Suicide Prevention Helpful or Harmful?
The idea of suicide prevention is a good thing as no one wants a fellow human being to take their life instead of getting the help they need. However, what prevention techniques are available that actually work? Hope Witsell, an eighth-grade student in Ruskin,...
Stay Tuned: Pharma Funded Florida Psychiatrists Turning kids into "Zombies"
Palm Beach Post Post investigation: Anti-psychotics in juvie jails Saturday, May 21, 2011 For some girls in custody at a state camp in Okeechobee, medications made the bookends of the day: Risperdal and trazadone and pills whose names were so long and complicated that...
2011 Lake Wales Vigil-In the name of Gabriel Myers and the Right to Informed Consent
The Candlelight Vigil in Lake Wales was Organized by CCHR Florida ally, Pastor John Donaldson and his wife, Cheryl Donaldson. Pastor Donaldson gave a moving speech about parents and children's rights to be fully informed. Other speakers included Pastor Melvin Hill and...
Suicide, Mental Health Counseling and Parental Consent
Could Hope Witsell’s suicide have been prevented? The mental health counseling she received without her parent’s knowledge is an example of the dangers inherent in leaving parents out of the picture. Hope’s story is an excruciating tale of bullying by her...
Pablo Picasso-About Children
Just a quick quote and a link to a pledge to help in preventing to stop psychiatric harm and abuse of children. "...We should say to each of them; Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have...

Can Fish Oil Fight Depression?
Consuming fish oil may fight depression. Current studies are encouraging, and began in earnest when scientists noted inhabitants of countries with high fish consumption had lower rates of depression. According to an ABC News report, “At Sheffield...
Light a candle for Tyler–Help others get informed about the harmful effects of psychiatric drugs
Light a candle for Tyler Help others get educated about the harmful effects of psychiatric medication! Many parents throughout the state and throughout the country are not fully informed about the harmful effects of psychiatric drugs. Their basic right...
Financial Ties to Drug Companies
A medical doctor should be a person who can be trusted to administer good care with the patient’s health and well-being as the primary concern. Is that necessarily the truth these days? Doctors and psychiatrists get paid by drug companies to run clinical...

Stevie Nicks: The biggest mistake I ever made was going to see a psychiatrist
NewsWeek My Favorite Mistake: Stevie Nicks May 01, 2011 by Stevie Nicks The biggest mistake I ever made was giving in to my friends and going to see a psychiatrist. It was in the mid-1980s, and I had just gotten out of Betty Ford. I was feeling buoyant...
Sex Offender Treatment? Sex with Patient
Highlands Today State: Take license from Sebring clinician By ROBERT BOYER | Highlands Today May 3, 2011 ARCADIA - The state of Florida wants to strip the professional credentials of a licensed mental health counselor from Sebring who was charged in 2010 with sexual...
Bullying is Not the Cause of Teen Suicide
Haylee Fentress and Paige Behnke were best friends and eighth grade students at a rural Minnesota middle school. They recently both hung themselves while on a sleepover together. The moms as well as relatives were interviewed on the Today Show and bullying was the...

DSM: Is it Valid?
The DSM, or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is published by the American Psychiatric Association. It is THE book used by those in the psychiatric profession to describe classifications and diagnosis of mental illness. But is the...

School Kids in Handcuffs- CCHR Florida "is all over the case"
School Kids in Handcuffs Reveal Teacher Bondage April 25, 2011, 7:05 PM EDT By Amity Shlaes April 26 (Bloomberg Businessweek) -- Another week, another tot gets his rights violated. A few days before Easter police in Maspeth, New York, handcuffed a first...
Risperdal Drugging of Children Enforced by Law
It seems unbelievable that the state could enforce dangerous Risperdal drugging of children, but this is exactly what happened recently in Detroit. Earlier this month Child Protective Services, accompanied by a swat team equipped with tanks and automatic rifles...
Gabriel Myers' Psychiatrist Arrested for Cocaine Possession
Punjwani first came under scrutiny when it was revealed he had prescribed several psychiatric drugs - some of which were linked to an increased risk of suicide among children - to 7-year-old Gabriel Myers, who hanged himself at his foster home in 2009. Police report...
CCHR Florida Travels All Over The State-To The People
One of CCHR Florida's most recent events was held at a school on the property of Jaymar Farms, Inc.. The school is part of a housing complex for the farm's Hispanic migrant workers. More than 100 people came to our booth and were able to get a copy of the Dead Wrong...