by CCHR Florida | Aug 18, 2014 | Alternatives, Disabled Persons, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs
The ranks of those incarcerated in state prisons have increased in unprecedented numbers over the past 10 years. Not surprisingly, courts demand that mental health screening and “treatment” (most often drugs) are given to those deemed mentally unstable. Recent studies...
by CCHR Florida | Aug 18, 2014 | DSM, Elderly, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Military & Veterans, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Antidepressants have been proven in court to cause homicidal behavior in some patients. In 2001, a federal jury in Cheyenne, Wyoming ordered SmithKline Beecham to pay 6.4 million dollars to relatives of a Paxil user who committed murder and suicide while on the drug....
by CCHR Florida | Aug 12, 2014 | Disabled Persons, DSM, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
In 2004 the FDA required black box warnings on all antidepressants to alert the public that suicide attempts and suicide itself were side effects of antidepressants. Now a “scientific” study is claiming that these FDA warning labels on antidepressants caused a rise in...
by CCHR Florida | Jul 7, 2014 | Alternatives, Baker Act, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
(Heather Lascano, CEO, Neuro Touch Inc.) The afternoon was rather warm, almost uncomfortably so. The parking lot was just starting to clear following the bus and parent carpool line activity. The office staff was already chatting about the evening plans and upcoming...
by CCHR Florida | Jun 30, 2014 | Baker Act, Legislation, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
Each time a citizen goes on an unpredicted shooting spree we hear pleas for more involuntary commitment laws and programs. Psychiatry has been playing a fiddle tune entitled “If he’d only gotten proper mental health care in time this tragedy could have been avoided”...
by CCHR Florida | Jun 24, 2014 | Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
Since the introduction of Thorazine in 1954 psychiatry and drug companies have rolled out a never ending stream of psychotropic drugs to replace the dramatic surgical procedures known as lobotomies. These so-called psychotropic medications have been called “chemical...
by CCHR Florida | Jun 24, 2014 | Alternatives, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Psychiatry, it may be validly argued, is simply a belief system. In fact, many of their most treasured DSM disorders were voted on by conference participants. There is no proof of the existence of ADD or ADHD, and absolutely no valid medical test for a single one of...
by CCHR Florida | Jun 11, 2014 | Baker Act, Children and Teens, Psychiatric Abuse, Rights
Justina Pelletier is a teenager who was taken away from her parents unnecessarily, forced into psychiatric care and spent nine months in a locked psychiatric ward. This situation is a parent’s worst nightmare. Any parent would be outraged and horrified if this...
by CCHR Florida | Jun 11, 2014 | Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Military & Veterans, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Mass shooter Elliot Rodger was, according to his parents, taking anti-anxiety drug Xanax in the days that led up to his bloody rampage and suicide in Isla Vista California on May 23. Elliot murdered six people and injured thirteen others before taking his life....
by CCHR Florida | May 26, 2014 | Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
How often, despite the concern of many, are psychiatric medication and gun violence linked, especially in the mass media? It is rare to find even a passing mention of this connection. This is unconscionable, considering that 90% of all multiple-victim violence (from...
by CCHR Florida | May 26, 2014 | Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs
Prisons have become one of the main distribution points for psychiatrists peddling psychotropic drugs and for drug companies happy to supply all these medicines to a growing population of criminals. It’s quite a successful business model. Prisoners get screened when...
by CCHR Florida | May 5, 2014 | Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs
A Boston University School of Medicine researcher, Clifford Knapp, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry, got some press recently by claiming that Potiga, a GlaxoSmithKline drug used as an anti-convulsant to suppress partial epileptic seizures in patients, might be...
by CCHR Florida | May 2, 2014 | DSM, ECT, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs
“Is Psychiatry Scientific? “A Letter to a 21st Century Psychiatry Resident” is the title of a lengthy article by Jose de Leon, MD from The University of Kentucky Mental Health Research Center at Eastern State Hospital in Lexington, KY published last September. He...
by CCHR Florida | May 2, 2014 | Baker Act, Elderly, Fraud, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Unfortunately, as we get older, we begin to notice changes in our body and don’t have the same confidence as we did when we were younger. So, sometimes we call upon others for help. For me, that was a big mistake when I asked my niece to take me to the hospital. You...
by CCHR Florida | Apr 21, 2014 | Baker Act, Fraud, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Jails and Psychiatric Hospitals – Both Bad for Mentally Ill Practically every paper around the country is reporting the story that more mentally ill people are now found in jails than in psychiatric hospitals and mental health facilities. A recent report from the...