Child Mental Health—Parents Losing Control
Parents send their children off to school every day in hopes of them getting a good education and growing up to be mature responsible adults. But what about child mental health? Is that something you want addressed at your child’s school? Are you aware of any sort...Talking to Your Children about Synthetic Drugs
Talking to children is a parent’s best defense against their child’s use of synthetic drugs. In a culture where psychiatry and Big Pharmaceutical companies have made drug use commonplace among our youth, it may be wise to take another look at the side effects not only...The New Definition of “Psychiatric Treatment”
The latest methods of and new definition for “psychiatry”, have changed. The “modern” bio-chemical psychiatrists rely on seeing patients for a mere ten minutes or so, deciding which meds to prescribe, and sending them on their way. this leaves the patient, searching...How Are America’s Foster Children Being Treated?
The answer is, “not so well,” according to recent investigations. Apparently what happens is this: children are first taken out of abusive or neglectful homes and put into the foster care system, presumably to be given the chance at better lives. So far, so good. ...Depression for Kids – Antidepressant Use Rises
A diagnosis of depression for kids is a large moneymaker for the pharmaceutical industry. Shockingly, more than one out of every 10 US citizens over age 12 now takes an antidepressant. A diagnosis of depression for kids is thus included in that statistic....Mental Health Issues – Depression and Exercise
For those with mental health issues, there is promising news. Many studies have shown that exercise lowers depression. Using exercise as a way to beat the blues is a much safer alternative than taking psychotropic drugs with their abundance of dangerous side effects....Increased Labeling and Drugging of ADHD In Children
In September, the American Academy of Pediatrics demanded increased FDA warnings about psychotropic drugs causing diabetes and other health problems in children. Despite the contradiction, the American Academy of Pediatrics just now approved testing even more...Teenage Stress-Dangers of Drug Abuse
Teenage stress can be dangerous. Some studies show that up to 73% of teens who use drugs began taking them primarily due to worry over school grades. Discord in the family has also been shown to be a contributing factor to teenage stress. The same study showed that...TeenScreen: Benevolent or Malevolent? (Good or Bad?)
Mental Health Screening of School Children The Aug. 30, 2011 article in The Wall Street Journal, “Will Students Take A Mental Health Test”, covers the seemingly benevolent issue of whether Florida and other state schools should engage in mental health screening. ...What are the Real Facts About Depression?
Psychiatry proclaims that depression is a mental illness which needs to be treated with antidepressants. However, the actual facts about depression do not support this. Of course you can be depressed, but it is not a mental disorder, nor is it a disease. It is neither caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. Some forms of depression are a normal part of life. Other kinds of depression may need more investigation to find the cause.