More Mental Health Programs Mean More Mass Shootings
Since twenty school children and six adults were killed just before Christmas last year in a mass shooting in Newtown, CT, discussions of gun control and more access to mental health services are in the news daily. There is talk of bans on assault weapons and how our...
Side Effects of Ambien are Worrisome
The side effects of Ambien, a popular drug taken for insomnia, could lead to tragedy. While Ambien commercials present a mild and hopeful vision of a gentle sleep aid, (after all the woman looks so rested the next morning!) the reality of this drug’s side effects...
What is PTSD? Today’s Latest Military Tragedy
Looking into what is PTSD is revealing. PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is defined on the U.S. National Library of Medicine website as a potentially debilitating anxiety disorder triggered by exposure to a traumatic experience. War veterans often have it....
Disruptive Behavior Disorder and Psychiatric Drugs
Disruptive behavior disorder is often diagnosed when a child disrupts activities or otherwise acts out when being told “no.” Parents may feel helpless when this behavior becomes consistent, especially when there are other children in the family affected by his or her...
Americans and Depression
New Video: Most people are unaware that the leading cause of Depression is an underlying thyroid problem. The FDA places severe warnings on Antidepressants, including suicidal and homicidal thoughts.
What is Mental Health? – A Look at Psychiatric Drugs, Guns and Mass Killers
An answer to what is mental health appeared on January 16th in President Obama’s proposals to reduce gun violence in the United States. It could strongly be argued it is the wrong answer. First he calls for closing background check loopholes to try to keep guns out of...
Chemical Imbalance and ADHD Myths
There is a relationship between the chemical imbalance theory and ADHD myths. The drugs are not “correcting chemical imbalances.” These are psychoactive drugs that cause an altered physical and mental state. Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, a staunch critic of...
Big Pharma Profits By Putting Your Health at Risk
Many years ago honest medical research was done for the purpose of creating drugs to cure diseases and other ailments that were wreaking havoc upon society. Think about where we would be today if quinine hadn’t been found to cure malaria, or what we would do without...

Know your rights as a patient!
New Video that demonstrates your rights in regards to the mental health screening!
Psychiatric Meds and Criminality
A recent article published in “Smart KIDS Learning Disabilities”, claiming that ADHD medication reduces criminal behavior is, without a doubt, a scandalous conscious effort to advocate the taking of psychiatric drugs, especially among young adults. Not only are the...
Do Psychiatric Drugs Cause Behavior Problems?
There have been 22 International Drug Regulatory Agency Warnings saying that psychiatric drugs cause violence, mania, psychosis and even homicidal ideation. The conditions that can be brought about by taking these drugs are, to say the least, serious problems in...
Helping Children with Depression
Some feel the only way of helping children with depression is the prescribing of barely tested and dangerous drugs, many of which are not recommended for children in the first place. These drugs may have disastrous results, as has been proven again and again. It seems...
Mass Shootings Can Be Explained with Logical Answers
If you look at the timeline of when mass shootings and murder-suicides started on the upswing, it is at the same time as when the field of mental health introduced psychiatric drugs as a solution to behavior problems such as children’s inattentiveness, depression, and other undesirable conditions. The late eighties were when Prozac was introduced as a panacea pill and became a household name. Other antidepressants, antipsychotics and stimulants came into being. That is the only change in the past thirty-something years
Children Misdiagnosed with Mental Health Issues
Behavioral disorders are often “treated” by the mental health community, with mind-altering drugs. Medical doctors exist who can do traditional medical testing to evidence potential underlying physical causes of unwanted behavior. Some children actually have a sleeping disorder similar to the childrens’ story “Sleeping Beauty”.
Warning: Tamiflu Causes Mental Health Issues
Tamiflu causes delusions, hallucinations, suicide and psychosis. With potentially such serious adverse side effects, it should have an FDA warning but it does not.

Interview with Human Rights Advocate–Mr. Jim Harper
Mr. Jim Harper is the founder of “The Road Back” program and has helped more than 40,000 individuals to become fully informed about the risks of psychiatric medication and the alternative treatments. This is a brief talk show interview with Mr. Harper.
Unwanted Screening for Disorders Alive and Well in Obamacare
Mental Health Screening has had its share of controversy. Upon the eve of Teenscreen ending in the United States, we have the Federal Health Bill which includes many more programs to mental health screen every single generation. There are no medical and scientific studies that show mental health disorders exist and none that exhibit a benefit from mental health screening.
The Mental Disorder Test Hoax
Finding an actual mental disorder test is a lesson in futility. Even the prestigious Mayo Clinic website can’t provide information on an actual test.
Natural Disasters Do Not Cause Mental Illness
The mental health community would have us believe that those who live through a natural disaster are now prone to mental illness. This is only and soley a means of captializing on others’ hardships. The facts are clear, there is not one medical test to evidence a mental disorder and stress is just that, stress.

Video: I Choose Life
Children Should Never Have to Go Through Paxil Withdrawal
The side effects of Paxil, a popular prescribed anti-depressant drug, are well known. They include insomnia, anxiety, seizures, hallucinations and suicidal thoughts. Paxil withdrawal is a clinically recognized condition for those wishing to stop taking the drug; it’s...
Signs of Anxiety may Start in the Gut
If you have ever had the unpleasant sensation of stage fright (sometimes referred to as “butterflies in the stomach”) you are familiar with the influence this second brain may have on your well-being.

Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings
Antidepressants carry FDA warnings that may surprise most people. Some of which include, depression, suicidal thoughts and violent actions.
ADHD and Pesticides
Pesticides have been around for a very long time. These chemicals are designed to kill mosquitoes, termites and other household bugs by damaging their nervous systems. They are sprayed as a preventive measure to keep bugs from destroying crops. They are quite...
Secretin Has Handled Causes of Autism For Some Children
Many parents of children who have been diagnosed with Autism, may not have gotten fully informed. There are medical studies that show that Secretin, a naturaly occuring neuropeptide, eliminates the symptoms of Autism.
Child Maltreatment from the Mental Health Profession
Most Parents are unaware that children have the right to know all the risks of psychiatric drugs, prior, to being prescribed and administered these mind-altering, prescription drugs.
Psychiatric Drugs and Designer Drug 2C-I Are Similar in Nature
Designer drugs, Smiles, K-2, Spice, and more, are responsible for the deaths of some of our most talented celebrities, young women and men and behind it all, we need to find out where are these drugs coming from.
Childhood Depression – Yes, we Have a Drug for That
Child deaths are results of multiple psychiatric drugs at the early age of three and four years old. It’s vital to read factual information and not pay attention to biased and vested opinions.
Depression Is One of the Major Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
Depression, one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism, is often treated with anti-depressant drugs. However, taking the correct hormone medication instead would handle the true cause of such feelings and relieve the person’s symptoms. Hypothyroidism is a...
Antipsychotics Damage the Brain
Antipsychotics used to be prescribed primarily for the “mental disorder” called schizophrenia. Since there is no schizophrenia epidemic, then what is the explanation to account for the increased use of antipsychotics?
Infant Mental Health an Unnecessary Tool
What exactly is infant mental health? It is loosely defined as the healthy social and emotional development of a child from birth to three years old. What does that mean exactly?
The Depressed and Drug-Free Treatment
The physical causes of depression are typically not looked for by the medical community. Many people are placed on mind-altering drugs instead. Learn more about the alternatives and protect your rights to informed consent.

Effexor Side Effects include Brain Damage
Effexor side effects (and this would include other antidepressants as well as Effexor) may cause permanent brain damage. Psychologist Gary Greenberg expressed his concern, citing studies that showed high doses of these drugs cause changes in neurons.
What Are We Doing to Children Termed “Learning Disabled?”
Imagine if Kim’s parents hadn’t found a different school for her. Would she still be a “learning disabled” high school student today, struggling with her studies? How many kids out there are doing just that because they don’t have the opportunity to go to another school?

Brand New Powerful Video from CCHR Florida
The FDA places strong warnings on mental health drugs. Unfortunately most people are not fully informed of the risks of these drugs prior to taking them. This video will open your eyes to the truth about mental health drugs.

Nicky Baker "Just a Boy" OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO -Produced by CCHR FLORIDA
Nicky Baker, Songwriter and international vocalist, performs her new song, “Just a Boy”! Many families are unaware that the mental health diagnoses of depression, ADHD, and the-like, have no medical test to evidence that they exist. Let’s help educate families...
Free Speech Leads to Involuntary Psychiatric Hospital Visit for Retired Marine
Free speech and first amendment rights were ignored recently in Virginia where former Marine Brandon Raub was greeted at the door of his home on August 16th by local police, FBI and Secret Service agents. They had supposedly received reports about things he had posted on Facebook which implied to them he was perhaps a domestic terrorist in the making. He was detained without charge, not read his rights, handcuffed and taken to the psychiatric hospital ward for Behavioral Health at John Randolph Medical Center in Hopewell for psychiatric evaluation.
Mentally Ill and The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
According to this document, an employer who refused to hire or retain a mentally ill person, even if he were acting strangely due to use of psychiatric drugs would be in violation of the Convention.

Electric Shocks Are Inhumane and Barbaric
Eighteen year-old Andre McCollins, being electric shocked while face down and restrained. He was shocked thirty-one times over a seven hour period because he would not take off his coat.
The Modern “Medication Generation” –Learned to Say Yes To Drugs
Today, 4 million children begin their school day by taking a small yellow pill, Ritalin, to control their hyperactivity. Since 1990, there has been a 700% increase in the use of the stimulant. And more than 2.5 million prescriptions for anti-depressants were written for pre-schoolers and adolescents.
THE AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE ACT-Does It Provide More Health Care at Less Cost?
The Affordable Health Care Act plans to place even more resources into a field which not only fails to preserve mental health, but is destroying lives. The faith being placed in psychiatry and their drug treatments might be broken if full investigations were made following the horribly senseless killings and suicides by those prescribed such drugs.
Manic Depressive Natural Treatment
Many individuals are not informed of the alternative treatments that are available regarding depression and other mental health symptoms. There are numerous physical causes of mental health symptoms that can be evidenced with traditional medical tests.
Early ADHD Treatment Not Needed Nor Warranted
It is true that children can be inattentive, unfocused, fidgety and hyperactive. Children are not adults and should not be expected to behave like one in class or any other place. Boys especially can have a lot of energy but it doesn’t mean they have a “mental disorder.”
SSRIs Create Mass Murderers
Mass murderers seem to still get their signals crossed while on SSRIs and have committed horrendous acts while under this influence.
Alternative Mental Health is the Only Logical Answer
It’s time to look at how your physical health affects your mind. Historically, if you had any “mental illness” type symptoms, you were either deemed crazy, sent to a shrink, locked up or all three. But where are those “mental” symptoms coming from? Is it logical to think that they randomly appear out of nowhere? Of course not. It is logical that the human body can develop a physical ailment or deficiency which could be detrimental to your mental well-being.
Mental Disorders List Growing Yearly
The expanding mental disorders list has many concerned. Even some psychiatrists look upon this broadening of their field dubiously. The American Psychiatric Association wants the industry’s guide to be changed, as witnessed in the upcoming new edition of their Bible,...
Mass Shootings Call For More Education
This past weekend there was a mass shooting in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Six people plus the shooter were killed. A few weeks earlier, James Holmes shot and killed twelve people and wounded fifty-eight others in a movie theater in Colorado. Five years ago the deadliest mass shooting of all occurred at Virginia Tech, where thirty-two people were killed and many others were injured. And finally, no one has forgotten the shooting that occurred at Columbine over ten years ago.
Amphetamine Salts Cause Devastating Effects
Amphetamines are known as ADHD drugs. They are in the same class of drugs as cocaine. Unfortunately, most parents are not given the FDA package insert on these drugs prior to giving consent.
Mass Murderers and Psychiatry
The recent tragedy in Colorado has focused attention on mass murderers, and many are asking “Why?” Theories abound, many of them unfounded and ignorant of the actual facts behind spree killings. According to some statistics: 78% off those responsible for crimes of...
Is Spanking Harmful or Effective Parenting?
A study was just published in Pediatrics stating that harsh physical punishment of children is associated with “mental disorders” later in life. This is a topic of interest because spanking, which fits into that category, is banned in more than thirty nations but not...