by CCHR Florida | Sep 3, 2014 | Baker Act, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Robin Williams, a greatly beloved American comedian, actor and filmmaker, committed suicide at his home in Tiburon, Ca. on August 11th. How does something as unexpected as this occur? In late June, Williams had gone for “rehab” at the Hazelden Addiction...
by CCHR Florida | Sep 3, 2014 | Alternatives, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
The tragedy of Robin Williams’ suicide may have repercussions the mental health industry did not predict. If mass-shootings, where youth kill others, while on psychotropic drugs is not enough to cause a widespread investigation of SSRI’s deadly effects, perhaps the...
by CCHR Florida | Aug 18, 2014 | Alternatives, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Military & Veterans, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
A recent field hearing by the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs held in Roswell, NM introduced a new plan to help the VA provide medical help to veterans in rural parts of the country by allowing them to get medical care in their local private hospitals rather than...
by CCHR Florida | Aug 18, 2014 | DSM, Elderly, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Military & Veterans, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Antidepressants have been proven in court to cause homicidal behavior in some patients. In 2001, a federal jury in Cheyenne, Wyoming ordered SmithKline Beecham to pay 6.4 million dollars to relatives of a Paxil user who committed murder and suicide while on the drug....
by CCHR Florida | Aug 12, 2014 | Disabled Persons, DSM, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
In 2004 the FDA required black box warnings on all antidepressants to alert the public that suicide attempts and suicide itself were side effects of antidepressants. Now a “scientific” study is claiming that these FDA warning labels on antidepressants caused a rise in...
by CCHR Florida | Jun 30, 2014 | Baker Act, Legislation, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
Each time a citizen goes on an unpredicted shooting spree we hear pleas for more involuntary commitment laws and programs. Psychiatry has been playing a fiddle tune entitled “If he’d only gotten proper mental health care in time this tragedy could have been avoided”...
by CCHR Florida | Jun 24, 2014 | Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
Since the introduction of Thorazine in 1954 psychiatry and drug companies have rolled out a never ending stream of psychotropic drugs to replace the dramatic surgical procedures known as lobotomies. These so-called psychotropic medications have been called “chemical...
by CCHR Florida | Jun 11, 2014 | Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Military & Veterans, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Mass shooter Elliot Rodger was, according to his parents, taking anti-anxiety drug Xanax in the days that led up to his bloody rampage and suicide in Isla Vista California on May 23. Elliot murdered six people and injured thirteen others before taking his life....
by CCHR Florida | Apr 11, 2014 | Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Military & Veterans, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
It’s been about sixteen months since the tragic Sandy Hook shooting. Following the unnecessary deaths of twenty children, aged six and seven years old, plus six adults, one would think that something would have been done by now to prevent another similar incident. ...
by CCHR Florida | Jan 29, 2014 | Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
School courses that teach students about suicide and dealing with death do lead to more suicide attempts despite claims to the contrary in The Youth Suicide Prevention School-Based Guide booklet given out widely in Florida. This booklet, sponsored by SAMHSA (The...
by CCHR Florida | Jan 29, 2014 | Alternatives, Mental Illness, Military & Veterans, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
What is PTSD and how is it treated? PTSD, or post traumatic stress syndrome, is defined by The Mayo Clinic as “a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as...
by CCHR Florida | Jan 3, 2014 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, DSM, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
A diagnosis of hyperactive as a legitimate disorder was something Dr. Keith Conners, a psychologist and professor emeritus at Duke University worked hard for. Today, with 15% of all high school children supposedly affected by ADHD, one would expect this man to...
by CCHR Florida | Dec 24, 2013 | Mental Illness, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
A report just came out from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development stating that many of the world’s depressed or unhappy people live in developed countries where antidepressant use has skyrocketed. This poses the question, why would people who live...
by CCHR Florida | Nov 22, 2013 | Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
The side effects of Paxil, a popular prescribed anti-depressant drug, are well known. They include insomnia, anxiety, seizures, hallucinations and suicidal thoughts. Paxil withdrawal is a clinically recognized condition for those wishing to stop taking the drug; it’s...
by CCHR Florida | Nov 5, 2013 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Adderall abuse and addiction has gotten mixed into the drive to succeed and perform well in USA high schools and universities. Adderall is a Class 2 Narcotic, an amphetamine in the same class as cocaine. It can be very addictive Reportedly, more than 6.4 million...