Psychiatric Rape and Sexual Misconduct

You may be thinking, “Psychiatric rape and sexual misconduct”?  Rape and sexual misconduct are scarcely unheard of in the psychiatric and psychological profession, which for some may come as a shock. The Hippocratic oath of “First do no harm” has been...

Psychiatry's Faith Based Campaign

According to The New York Times,   “Of all medical specialties, psychiatrists are the least religious, a survey has found, and the most religious doctors are the least likely to refer their patients to psychiatrists.”1   But an article by Rob Whitley, of Dartmouth...
Gabriel Myers' Psychiatrist Arrested for Cocaine Possession

Jail Psychiatrist Arrested and Fired

Orlando Sentinel State: Jail psychiatrist billed for unnecessary treatment at 2nd job December 10, 2010 By Jeff Weiner Court records show a psychiatrist who saw patients at Orange County Jail before his arrest last week is accused of ripping off an insurance company...
Gabriel Myers' Psychiatrist Arrested for Cocaine Possession

Alienist Investigation Continues

  It started with the high prescribing Miami alienist* who wrote 284,908 prescriptions over the past six years which cost Florida taxpayers $43 million.  See here:   *Alienist – Psychiatrist;...