by CCHR Florida | Jan 26, 2015 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Elderly, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Military & Veterans, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Even mental health professionals admit the death nell of their profession is near. Decades of using drugs to treat invented mental illnesses has created skepticism within their own ranks. For example, Dr. Robert Berezin, a practicing psychotherapist, has this to say...
by CCHR Florida | Jan 19, 2015 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Psychiatry professor Anthony Tobia of Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School is teaching his students about psychiatric disorders through required watching of Seinfeld episodes. It sounds like a joke, but Dr. Tobia is completely serious. He states “When you get...
by CCHR Florida | Jan 19, 2015 | Baker Act, Elderly, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
The Dec 17th issue of “The Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry” (JAMA Psychiatry) contained a paper describing the over prescribing of a class of sedatives or tranquilizers called benzodiazepines. “Benzos” are all related in chemical...
by CCHR Florida | Jan 6, 2015 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
A Seminole County mother narrowly escaped losing permanent custody of her child in a case where immediate use of Florida’s Informed Consent laws might have avoided the ordeal she did experience. Sarah Markham is a vegan and a practicing Seventh Day Adventist. She...
by CCHR Florida | Nov 12, 2014 | Fraud, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Convicted felons are diagnosed as mentally ill at a rate 2-4 times that of the non-criminal population. It would be easy to make the supposition that anyone who commits a crime is in some degree mentally ill. And not many would argue. But criminal behavior does not...
by CCHR Florida | Nov 4, 2014 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Elderly, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Yes, they can. Many people end up receiving psychiatric medications and other treatments when undiagnosed and untreated medical conditions are the true cause of their so-called mental illnesses. Dr. Ronald J Diamond is a Professor in the Dept. of Psychiatry at the...
by CCHR Florida | Nov 4, 2014 | Alternatives, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
Recently, there has been some debate about whether mass shootings are on the rise or not. Studies have been done using different kinds of criteria thus resulting in different answers. One study includes gang killings and shootings in the home due to domestic...
by CCHR Florida | Oct 23, 2014 | Alternatives, Baker Act, Children and Teens, Fraud, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
As November approaches, sheriffs and medical doctors all over the state have been coming out strongly against Florida Constitutional Amendment 2 that would establish medical marijuana in Florida. Dr. Alan B. Pillersdorf, president of The Florida Medical Association...
by CCHR Florida | Oct 10, 2014 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Fraud, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Florida Medicaid has rolled out a provision hidden in the pages of the Obamacare bill and parents of kids in 13 Florida counties now have health clinics right in their public school buildings. Back in March this statement was made about Obamacare, “But we have to...
by CCHR Florida | Oct 10, 2014 | Fraud, Legislation, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
The knee-jerk proclamation of journalists stating violent behavior is the result of “insufficient mental health care” is based on junk science, with absolutely no evidence to back it up. Even Psychology Today admits the evidence for psychiatric medications being the...
by CCHR Florida | Sep 12, 2014 | Alternatives, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Some psychiatrists and mental health workers complain that the very subject of mental health, as well as mental health patients themselves, have a social stigma to overcome. The mental health workers say there is not enough mental health coverage due to this “stigma,”...
by CCHR Florida | Sep 12, 2014 | DSM, Fraud, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs
On its About Us page, the Psych Central website states it’s “the Internet’s largest and oldest independent mental health social network” and that “We are today’s modern voice for mental health information, emotional support and advocacy”. They recently posted a two...
by CCHR Florida | Sep 3, 2014 | Baker Act, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Robin Williams, a greatly beloved American comedian, actor and filmmaker, committed suicide at his home in Tiburon, Ca. on August 11th. How does something as unexpected as this occur? In late June, Williams had gone for “rehab” at the Hazelden Addiction...
by CCHR Florida | Sep 3, 2014 | Alternatives, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
The tragedy of Robin Williams’ suicide may have repercussions the mental health industry did not predict. If mass-shootings, where youth kill others, while on psychotropic drugs is not enough to cause a widespread investigation of SSRI’s deadly effects, perhaps the...
by CCHR Florida | Aug 18, 2014 | Alternatives, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Military & Veterans, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
A recent field hearing by the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs held in Roswell, NM introduced a new plan to help the VA provide medical help to veterans in rural parts of the country by allowing them to get medical care in their local private hospitals rather than...