Mental Health America-Ridiculous Diagnoses in the 21st Century
The professions that are supposedly in charge of mental health in America have become a danger to our citizens and a sad joke to many, even to those who practice in this field. Paula Caplan, a clinical and research psychologist is one of those brave enough to question...Mandatory Mental Health Is Detrimental
Most people are familiar with the fact that Obamacare came about for the purpose of making health insurance available and affordable for millions of Americans who previously could not obtain it. In principal, that sounds like a good thing, but that idea has presented...No Need for a Mental Health App
Recently USA Today ran an article about a new app called “WhatsMyM3”. This is an app designed to determine if you are at risk for depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder or PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). It is not based on any medical or scientific testing and is entirely subjective, leading the person straight into the hands of mental health practitioners.
The Chemical Imbalance Fraud
Many psychiatrists assert that mental illness is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. But there are no medical tests to prove this. Chemical imbalance is a theory that does not hold up to intense scientific scrutiny.

Bipolar in Children- Diagnosis Increase
The condition of Bipolar in Children and teenagers has seen a huge diagnosis increase in the past decade. In fact, it has increased by 40 times. During this same time, the diagnosis of adult bipolar disorder doubled.
When Life Became an Illness
In life, we experience a wide range of feelings – grief, boredom, happiness, anger and
hopelessness, to name a few. These are all normal emotions that people feel
depending on the situations they are faced with each day.
Autism Misdiagnosis
The number of children being diagnosed with autism is ever increasingly on the rise. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently reported that autism is almost twice as common as it was five years ago.
Food Dye Risk for ADHD
The dangers of food dyes cause symptoms in children that are the same exact symptoms listed as “ADHD”.
Being Depressed a Dangerous Condition
Being depressed can be dangerous. Far beyond the upset caused by being down in the dumps, being depressed can make a person subject to intense scrutiny by not only the
psychiatric profession at large, but also the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS).
DSM 5 Outrages Mental Health Professionals
DSM 5, the fifth edition of the influential Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, has gone a bit far, even for its own proponents. What human emotions and reactions have now been labeled mental illnesses in DSM 5, this latest edition of the psychiatric Bible? For one,...Personality Disorders: Who Can Decide What is Normal?
Personality disorders, mental disorders and mental illnesses are all terms to designate some kind of supposed abnormal behavior that needs to be treated. At least, that is what a psychiatrist would say. But who is to say what is normal and what constitutes a so-called disorder?
An Epidemic of Psychiatric Drugs Not Mental Illness
Just as the polio vaccine pretty much wiped out any further cases of the disease, you would think depression and other mental ailments would disappear when Prozac and other “wonder drugs” came on the market more than twenty years ago. This is not the case. In fact,...