They also organize vast campaigns designed to convince parents and family members that their loved ones are in desperate need of their treatment. They distribute literature, they buy expensive advertising, they hold seminars.
To quote from the JRSM article: “Like the more zealous religions in times past, the idea that some of the uninitiated may actually be enjoying quite satisfactory lives is rarely entertained.”
In a further analogous look at psychiatry as a religion, the article identifies psychiatry as a sort of priesthood, with the “laity” following their lead. A priest goes through many years of training, a psychiatrist likewise goes through years of arcane (understood by few; mysterious or secret-Google definition) training, setting them apart from the public.
And when a psychiatrist rebels against the standard “sacraments” of this cult (drugging, electroshock, lobotomies) he or she is “excommunicated” and punished via job offers rescinded, ignored books and attempted ruining of careers. Peter Breggin, well known critic of psychiatric harm and Thomas Szasz, who argued against the reality of so-called mental illness are examples of psychiatry’s close-mindedness.
Unlike actual major religions, the intention of psychiatry is not spiritual enlightenment or belief in a higher power. The psychiatrist offers no spiritual succor.
What he does offer (psychotropic drugging) has ruined lives by the thousands, destroyed families, caused countless birth defects, unleashed mass murderers on innocents and confused millions into believing that he has the answer to mental anguish.
Despite the psychiatrist’s touching confidence in his treatment, it has been proven that psychiatric drugs can cause the following:
- tardive dyskenisia (a movement disorder where the sufferer makes repetitive and involuntary movements such as protruding the tongue, grimacing and lip smacking.
- Diabetes
- Rapid weight gain
- Brain shrinkage
- Homicidal or suicidal behavior
Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin wrote a book called “Medication Madness,” which delves deeply into the effects these drugs have on people. He points out that the victims seldom attach their unpleasant or dangerous symptoms to the drugs they are taking, thus putting themselves and others at great risk.
He refers to this disassociation with the drug being the cause of their problems “medical spellbinding,” and has done a great deal of research into this subject.
Dr. Breggin discovered that people on the drugs may feel they are doing much better, although they are obviously failing in life – citing examples of psychiatric patients with no criminal history committing crimes of theft and violence.
In every case, patients who survived and stopped taking the drugs had absolutely no recidivism. In other words, not a single person was compelled to commit a crime after stopping the offending drug.
Dr. Breggin says: “…they may get some relief from the lobotomizing effect of an antipsychotic drug or the blunting impact of a mood stabilizer. In every case, the seeming improvement is a manifestation of brain dysfunction, and judgment is always impaired.”
The belief system of psychiatry is flawed, based as it is on their economic bottom line rather than improving the lot of anyone. To further distance it from religions (which mostly frown on bullying) psychiatry attempts to bully the entire population into obeying their creed of psychotropic drugging.