by CCHR Florida | Mar 27, 2012 | Baker Act, Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Ingesting dangerous, synthetic marijuana may well result in a trip to the hospital. Some young people have even been brought to the psychiatric ward under the state’s involuntary commitment law. Drugs with names like “Mr. Smiley,”, “Red X Dawn” and “Spice” were, until...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 21, 2012 | Children and Teens, Fraud, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
When an associate professor of pharmacology at Georgetown University, Dr. Fugh Berman, was asked by two students if they should take a powerful antipsychotic to help them sleep, she was outraged. The young people had not even been given such simple advice as “drink...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 13, 2012 | Children and Teens, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
According to a recent article, the placebo effect is being used as an experimental tool on unwitting school children. At least the placebo effect from a power bar with the dubious pronouncement “improves writing power” will not cause permanent mental disability. ...
by CCHR Florida | Mar 5, 2012 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Many people don’t know about special education and the disproportionate number of black teenagers, especially African American boys who are placed in these classrooms. What do we know about special education? It is a $60 billion industry. When it is misused, black...
by CCHR Florida | Feb 20, 2012 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
In today’s world of over-specialized and drug-infused medicine, doctors hand out pills for everything, often prescribing drugs without regard to side effects on patients’ general health. Dentists use mercury, which may preserve teeth but is highly toxic to the rest...
by CCHR Florida | Feb 20, 2012 | Alternatives, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
It is well known that people with ADHD may be at risk for suicidal thoughts and behavior. But in the 1950s and 1960s children daydreamed and stared out the window during school, or barely sat still while their teacher droned on about subjects the child had no interest...
by CCHR Florida | Jan 16, 2012 | Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Rights
Parents send their children off to school every day in hopes of them getting a good education and growing up to be mature responsible adults. But what about child mental health? Is that something you want addressed at your child’s school? Are you aware of any sort...
by CCHR Florida | Jan 6, 2012 | Children and Teens, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs
The latest ploy by psychiatrists, and drug companies wishing to increase profits, is to use psychotropic drugs to treat children with a lingering strep infection. Absurd as this may sound, it is being done in some cases. Recent scientific research reveals that a...
by CCHR Florida | Jan 4, 2012 | Children and Teens, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs
Child psychiatry in the state of Florida has an unpleasant history. Juvenile delinquents and foster children alike have been the victim of misdiagnosis and over prescription by child psychiatrists with sometimes shady pasts. Dr. Dorval, a child psychiatrist hired to...
by CCHR Florida | Dec 23, 2011 | Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs
The latest methods of and new definition for “psychiatry”, have changed. The “modern” bio-chemical psychiatrists rely on seeing patients for a mere ten minutes or so, deciding which meds to prescribe, and sending them on their way. this leaves the patient, searching...
by CCHR Florida | Dec 19, 2011 | Psychiatric Abuse
Psychiatry knows that they are harming in the name of “Mental Health”. A recent article, in the “Psychiatric Times”, revealed that the psychiatric industry is well aware of the harms of psychiatric medication and has known, since at least 2004, about a medical test...
by CCHR Florida | Dec 5, 2011 | Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs
A thyroid disorder can lead to depression. It is unfortunate that this side effect has been misdiagnosed by so many psychiatrists. How well do psychiatric practitioners know their medical facts? Would they recognize a thyroid disorder when one is presented? Apparently...
by CCHR Florida | Dec 1, 2011 | Children and Teens, Fraud, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Children in foster care are more likely to take multiple antipsychotic medications for longer periods of time than any other group of children By DR. MARK ABDELMALEK, BRINDA ADHIKARI, SARAH KOCH, JOSEPH DIAZ and CLAIRE WEINRAUB Nov. 30, 2011 The federal government...
by CCHR Florida | Nov 30, 2011 | Children and Teens, Disabled Persons, Fraud, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
“More than 8% of children in foster care have received antipsychotic medication, and just over one quarter of those in foster care who also receive disability benefits take these drugs, according to a recent studyin the journal Pediatrics… The numbers...
by CCHR Florida | Nov 30, 2011 | Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
In a letter to State Officials (across the U.S), written by three different divisions of Health and Human Services, it states: “Children in foster care represent only three percent of children covered by Medicaid,yet, based on a study of pharmacy claims in 16...