Our Soldiers put at more risk

  Experiments trying out ecstasy effects on soldiers labeled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) were promoted in an article in the military newspaper “Stars and Stripes” on Nov 20th.  Ecstasy (or MDMA) is a party drug popular in the 1980’s and 1990’s and...
Xanax Side Effects Lead to Horrific Tragedy

Free Speech Leads to Involuntary Psychiatric Hospital Visit for Retired Marine

Free speech and first amendment rights were ignored recently in Virginia where former Marine Brandon Raub was greeted at the door of his home on August 16th by local police, FBI and Secret Service agents. They had supposedly received reports about things he had posted on Facebook which implied to them he was perhaps a domestic terrorist in the making. He was detained without charge, not read his rights, handcuffed and taken to the psychiatric hospital ward for Behavioral Health at John Randolph Medical Center in Hopewell for psychiatric evaluation.