Help stop psychiatric harm and abuse of children

Help stop psychiatric harm and abuse of children

Help stop psychiatric harm and abuse of children. · Sign the pledge Email your Senators and Representative. · Find who they are PLACING OUR CHILDREN IN THE HANDS OF PSYCHIATRY Wednesday, August 5, 2009 Subcommittees in the House and Senate have worked on two versions...


 MedWatch Written by Mental Health Advocate and Executive Director of The Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Florida Laurie Anspach Psychiatry would have us believe that children can be justifiably used as guinea pigs for their experimental use of mind-altering...

Regarding Florida Foster Care children, 2009

Many of you may have been watching the Florida newspapers recently and seen the article that spoke about two parents who just adopted two children.  They came forward on the day that Governor Crist was talking about adoption.  The two parents were appalled at how many...