by CCHR Florida | Aug 21, 2011 | Psychiatric Abuse
A Miami psychiatrist’s license was suspended by the Department of Health after he tested positive for using cocaine and pleaded no contest to a charge of soliciting a prostitute. Evan Zimmer psychiatrist – license suspended Miami psychiatrist’s license...
by CCHR Florida | Aug 21, 2011 | Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Disorders
A Public Service Announcement from the Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Florida Friday’s CNN Report: Clearly shows a tremendous amount of money going into the mental health industry Wondering what the amount of money spent on mental health care actually...
by CCHR Florida | Aug 21, 2011 | Legislation
CCHR Florida continues to keep you updated regarding the mental health programs contained in the U.S. Health Care Bill. The news update today, reads: Health-Law Mandate Ruled Unconstitutional “…Friday’s ruling came in the highest-profile lawsuit of...
by CCHR Florida | Aug 11, 2011 | Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Drugs, Suicide
Youth talking to Youth Getting the CCHR “Dead Wrong” DVD to Florida Families Parents getting fully informed Contact CCHR Florida to join up as a Youth Group Volunteer or as a Team Member! Call (727) 442-8820 or email
by CCHR Florida | Aug 4, 2011 | Military & Veterans
This week, the NY Times reported on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in veterans. Veterans and military personnel who take psychiatric medications such as antidepressants and antipsychotics are no more likely to improve than those taking a placebo. Therefore, why would...
by CCHR Florida | Jul 29, 2011 | Psychiatric Abuse
If you wish to know the truth about psychiatry, prepare yourself, because it is disturbing to face the facts about how human beings are being treated by mainstream psychiatry. Liberally prescribing psychotropic drugs for more than two decades including “off-label”...
by CCHR Florida | Jul 28, 2011 | Psychiatric Drugs
To answer the question whether or not antidepressants cause autism in pregnancy, we first turned to CNN’s article on the subject. In at least one study, it was shown that antidepressants increase the risk of ASD (autism spectrum disorder) in newborn children....
by CCHR Florida | Jul 20, 2011 | Children and Teens, Psychiatric Drugs
It is not just in Florida one finds doctors medicating children, even toddlers, for behaviors long known as normal in children — shyness, restlessness, short attention spans, fear/grief when left by parents in a new school, daycare, etc. Britain now has concern...
by CCHR Florida | Jul 18, 2011 | Children and Teens, Psychiatric Drugs
Forty or so years ago, it would be safe to say no kids were on any psychiatric drugs. ADHD and bipolar disorder in kids was unheard of and most other children’s mental illness labels were nonexistent. Depending on your source, six to seven million children are now on...
by CCHR Florida | Jul 15, 2011 | Alternatives, Psychiatric Drugs
Today, many people are taking psychotropic drugs and have a problem tapering off of them. Mike Cleveland of Setting Captives Free runs into this problem with his parishioners on a regular basis. In an effort to help bring awareness of the alternatives to psychiatric...
by CCHR Florida | Jul 13, 2011 | Psychiatric Drugs
A Wonderful Story From CCHR Florida. This is a wonderful story from a young man who was helped by CCHR Florida! His father and grandmother were educated, by CCHR Florida, on the FDA warnings regarding psychiatric drugs and the existence of non-psychiatric doctors who...
by CCHR Florida | Jul 11, 2011 | Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
It’s a given that any woman wants to have a healthy baby. It would follow that normally a mother-to-be would take any precaution necessary to make that happen. She would stop smoking and drinking alcohol, as it is common knowledge now that these cause birth defects,...
by CCHR Florida | Jul 11, 2011 | Children and Teens, Psychiatric Drugs
Psychiatric treatment as practiced by the infamous Dr. Biederman and Dr. Timothy E. Wilens of Harvard University has done nothing to improve this profession’s ever dwindling credibility. Gardiner Harris and Benedict Carey state in their NY Times article: “A...
by CCHR Florida | Jul 11, 2011 | Fraud
The June 26 Huffpost Politics article, A Depressing Story You Need to Read, takes a deeper look into the workings of Obamacare — and finds some unfortunate consequences. The proclaimed benefits to the taxpayer are not so great, while the drug industry becomes...
by CCHR Florida | Jul 5, 2011 | Disabled Persons, Psychiatric Drugs
The information on the harms of psychiatric drugging was of real value to these activists. One of the hardest issues they face on a grass roots level is that a parent with a child on psychotropic drugs receives disability payments as a financial incentive. We...