Even mental health professionals admit the death nell of their profession is near. Decades of using drugs to treat invented mental illnesses has created skepticism within their own ranks.
For example, Dr. Robert Berezin, a practicing psychotherapist, has this to say about the chemical imbalance theory:
“The chemical imbalance theory of somatic [having to do with the body] psychiatry has almost completely replaced a genuine understanding of human struggle. The underlying theory of somatic psychiatry is that the source of human struggle is considered to be the brain itself, rather than the person. Treatments that follow from this simplistic, mechanistic, and reductionist notion have been intended to act directly on the brain, which in my experience leads to problematic and misleading outcomes.”
He points out psychiatric drug are useless. Although often used during short term crises, this removes the patient from the “human sphere” falsely shifting the incident to a biochemical disorder, and causing the person to depend on a drug to “fix” him.
Although one may disagree with Dr.Berezin’s overall treatment he is at least outspoken about the harm of using drugs to treat those suffering from mental stress. And he is not alone in his criticism.
Dr. Peter Breggin, a Harvard trained psychiatrist sometimes known as the “Conscience of Psychiatry” acts as a medical expert in criminal suits that have involved adverse psychiatric drug effects such as suicide, violence and death. His testimony spans almost 50 years, starting in the early 1970s.
He is also an outspoken critic of the use of psychiatric drugs to treat suicidal patients. Dr. Breggin points out that no psychiatric drugs have been proven to reduce suicide rates, and says “On this basis, there is no clinical, scientific or common sense reason for giving psychiatric drugs in the vain hope of preventing suicide.”
In fact, he underlines the fact that most psychiatric drugs have the potential to increase suicidal behavior as well as causing many other adverse side effects. For example, military suicides have increases in correlation with the escalating treatment of antidepressants and drug cocktails.
With the criticism of these and others in the psychiatric profession, why is the prescribing of psychiatric drugs still rampant?
This question leads straight to the money trail which leads straight to the pharmaceutical companies making a killing with their patented poisons. These companies have billions to invest in commercials enticing the public to ask for their drugs by name. And it is no secret that they pay many doctors very well to promote and prescribe their drugs.
The old adage “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” applies here. There is no pill in existence to “fix” a mental upset.
Psychiatric drugs have horrendous side effects, some of them involving permanent disability or death. Listening to and putting into practice the advice of a mental health care worker recommending psychiatric drugs is playing Russian roulette.
The solution is self-education. There traditional medical tests that can detect potential physical illness that leads to mental health symptoms. Not all health care workers play into the hands of Big Pharma, and there are treatments in existence that will not harm.