One of CCHR Florida’s most recent events was held at a school on the property of Jaymar Farms, Inc.. The school is part of a housing complex for the farm’s Hispanic migrant workers. More than 100 people came to our booth and were able to get a copy of the Dead Wrong DVD. Our Pediatrician ally gave a briefing on parental rights and it was very well received.

Our Allies help to educate the public! - Thanks to Dr. Lopez--Hundreds of Hispanic families are getting fully informed
Those who came to the booth were one for one surprised to learn of the side effects of the drugs.
One mother said that a counselor at her son’s school has made an appointment with her because of her son’s problem. Now that she knows about the side effects, she said she will be very alert and make sure that he gets no medication.
A psychologist who sees problem kids said she was astonished to learn of the side effects of the drugs. She said that she had not been given such information as part of her training as a school counselor.
One mother told of her son who is on medication who is experiencing adverse effects. She was appreciative knowing that she can now get more information from CCHR Florida.