Mental Health Watchdog Calls for Investigation into the Connection Between Violence and Psychiatric Drugs

Mental Health Watchdog Releases New Report on Link Between Psychotropic Drugs & School/Mass Shootings

The mental health watchdog group, Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR)International is offering Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) and school officials a free copy of its compelling new report about a common denominator found in many mass shootings: psychotropic...
Museum Targeting Psychiatry as an “Industry of Death” Helping to Expose Rights Violations in Florida

Museum Targeting Psychiatry as an “Industry of Death” Helping to Expose Rights Violations in Florida

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a non-profit mental health watchdog dedicated to the eradication of abuses committed under the guise of mental health, has held over 100 events and toured more than 3,000 people through the Psychiatry: An Industry of...
Teen Suicides Increasing Due to Mental Health Treatment

Teen Suicides Increasing Due to Mental Health Treatment

Mental health experts claim they need more money to stem the rising number of teenage suicides but there is much evidence showing that the medications prescribed to prevent suicide are indeed what are causing the rising statistic. Yet psychiatrists continue to assert...