CCHR Florida Educating Families-Rights, Dangers of Psychiatric Drugs

Is Spongebob bad for kids?

Is SpongeBob bad for kids, even causing ADD symptoms? Should children be exposed to these fast paced cartoons? There have been some recent studies that point in this direction. So truly, is SpongeBob bad for kids, and if so, why?   In a recent study of 4 year...

Snorting Bath Salts?

Believe it or not, snorting bath salts has become a dangerous new pastime for some young people. What drugs do these bath salts contain? Snorting, smoking and injecting these substances can produce dangerous, even deadly side effects. Snorting “designer” bath salts...

Children with Anxiety

There are plenty of things for adults to be anxious about these days, but what about children? Since children have less life experience, less control over their lives and get more influence from others, it would be logical that children could be more prone to anxiety...

OCD in Children Facts

What is OCD in children, and how is it treated? What risks are involved in standard psychiatric drug treatment? There may be physical causes for what appears to be OCD, and ways to handle it that are not dependent on psychiatric drugs. How do you know if your child...

Medicating Children Away

It is not just in Florida one finds doctors medicating children, even toddlers, for behaviors long known as normal in children — shyness, restlessness, short attention spans, fear/grief when left by parents in a new school, daycare, etc. Britain now has concern...