by CCHR Florida | Nov 22, 2013 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
The question is, Do I have ADD? The answer according to many experts, is an emphatic “No.” This nonexistent mental disorder was dreamed up by the psychiatric industry in order to promote and sell mind-altering drugs. Outspoken psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin has this...
by CCHR Florida | Nov 12, 2013 | Children and Teens, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Antidepressants and pregnancy are a dangerous combination. A mother taking Prozac, Zoloft or other antidepressants of this type are increasing their risk of bearing a child with autism. It is a significant risk; they are twice as likely to have an autistic child as a...
by CCHR Florida | Nov 5, 2013 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Adderall abuse and addiction has gotten mixed into the drive to succeed and perform well in USA high schools and universities. Adderall is a Class 2 Narcotic, an amphetamine in the same class as cocaine. It can be very addictive Reportedly, more than 6.4 million...
by CCHR Florida | Nov 5, 2013 | Children and Teens, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Bullying has become a threat to our children’s happiness and welfare. Despite bullying laws in Florida and elsewhere, the intimidation continues. In a 2013 Florida statutes states that Bullying “includes cyberbullying and means systematically and chronically...
by CCHR Florida | Oct 31, 2013 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, DSM, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Diagnosing children with hyperactivity symptoms has become a lucrative practice for the pharmaceutical industry. Shire Pharmaceuticals is one such company with big plans for our children. Spokesmen for this multi-billion dollar industry propose that a child’s...
by CCHR Florida | Oct 28, 2013 | Children and Teens, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Most people would agree that social media has made the world a different place. Twitter and Facebook can be useful tools for communication. Like most anything, both have good points and bad points. It is fun for many to get to know their favorite celebrities via...
by CCHR Florida | Oct 15, 2013 | Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Synthetic drugs, sold under the euphemistic term “bath salts” and “incense” have caused an endless array of psychotic behavior. According to psychiatrist Daniel Bober, these substances are stimulants. Users have experienced psychosis, paranoia and agitation. Those...
by CCHR Florida | Oct 7, 2013 | Children and Teens, Fraud, Psychiatric Drugs
Most parents would be appalled at the prospect of their young son growing size 38D cup size breasts. Johnson and Johnson, makers of the anti-psychotic drug Risperdal, apparently are not appalled as they continue to sell the drug and promote it for off-label use...
by CCHR Florida | Oct 4, 2013 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Millions of American children have been labeled with ADHD because of their inattentive, impulsive and hyperactive behavior. Approximately twenty million children are taking mind-altering drugs like Ritalin. Has anyone stopped to wonder how so many kids could have...
by CCHR Florida | Sep 23, 2013 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
A diabetes diagnosis in a child may be directly linked to the use of anti-psychotic medication. In a study recently published in JAMA Psychiatry (formerly Archives of General Psychiatry) it was revealed that kids on these pharmaceuticals are 3 times more likely to end...
by CCHR Florida | Sep 17, 2013 | Children and Teens, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights, Suicide
Teenage suicide rates have risen sharply and alarmingly over the past decade. This can be attributed to one fact alone: the prescribing of anti-psychotic drugs to children and young adults. The pretended concern of psychiatrists for the mental health of our children...
by CCHR Florida | Sep 13, 2013 | Children and Teens, DSM, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Internet addiction was a term coined in 1995 as a joke. Today it is almost twenty years later and the Bradford Regional Center in Pennsylvania will be offering the first hospital-based treatment program for Internet addiction. This really is a joke as the basis for...
by CCHR Florida | Sep 13, 2013 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, DSM, Fraud, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Florida Medicaid is in the news again as a new investigation into the over prescription of atypical antipsychotic drugs for treating symptoms in very young children was just launched at the Federal level by the Inspector General’s Office at the Department of Health...
by CCHR Florida | Sep 6, 2013 | Alternatives, Children and Teens, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
Like it or not, drugs and alcohol have always been a part of college life. Most college students use these recreationally and some go one step further and become dependent on one or the other or both. Some students have also taken amphetamines, otherwise known as...
by CCHR Florida | Sep 3, 2013 | Children and Teens, DSM, Fraud, Mental Health Screening, Mental Illness, Psychiatric Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatric Drugs, Rights
The profession of psychiatry has successfully established themselves as “experts” in the field of mental health and matters of the mind over the past thirty of forty years. They have also made the public think that “mental disorders” are just like any real...