Infant Mental Health an Unnecessary Tool
What exactly is infant mental health? It is loosely defined as the healthy social and emotional development of a child from birth to three years old. What does that mean exactly?
What exactly is infant mental health? It is loosely defined as the healthy social and emotional development of a child from birth to three years old. What does that mean exactly?
The physical causes of depression are typically not looked for by the medical community. Many people are placed on mind-altering drugs instead. Learn more about the alternatives and protect your rights to informed consent.
Effexor side effects (and this would include other antidepressants as well as Effexor) may cause permanent brain damage. Psychologist Gary Greenberg expressed his concern, citing studies that showed high doses of these drugs cause changes in neurons.
Imagine if Kim’s parents hadn’t found a different school for her. Would she still be a “learning disabled” high school student today, struggling with her studies? How many kids out there are doing just that because they don’t have the opportunity to go to another school?
The Affordable Health Care Act plans to place even more resources into a field which not only fails to preserve mental health, but is destroying lives. The faith being placed in psychiatry and their drug treatments might be broken if full investigations were made following the horribly senseless killings and suicides by those prescribed such drugs.
It is true that children can be inattentive, unfocused, fidgety and hyperactive. Children are not adults and should not be expected to behave like one in class or any other place. Boys especially can have a lot of energy but it doesn’t mean they have a “mental disorder.”
It’s time to look at how your physical health affects your mind. Historically, if you had any “mental illness” type symptoms, you were either deemed crazy, sent to a shrink, locked up or all three. But where are those “mental” symptoms coming from? Is it logical to think that they randomly appear out of nowhere? Of course not. It is logical that the human body can develop a physical ailment or deficiency which could be detrimental to your mental well-being.
This past weekend there was a mass shooting in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Six people plus the shooter were killed. A few weeks earlier, James Holmes shot and killed twelve people and wounded fifty-eight others in a movie theater in Colorado. Five years ago the deadliest mass shooting of all occurred at Virginia Tech, where thirty-two people were killed and many others were injured. And finally, no one has forgotten the shooting that occurred at Columbine over ten years ago.
Recently USA Today ran an article about a new app called “WhatsMyM3”. This is an app designed to determine if you are at risk for depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder or PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). It is not based on any medical or scientific testing and is entirely subjective, leading the person straight into the hands of mental health practitioners.
Synthetic Marijuana, also referred to as K-2 or Spice, is potentially deadly. This tragic story shows the consequences of young people smoking this drug.