But psychiatrists themselves say they have no clue why their drugs affect the mental state of their patients. Neither do they have an explanation as to why placebos in clinical trials produce similar effects to the drugs. It is unlikely that these disastrous admissions have gone unnoticed by pharmaceutical company executives.
Chemical Imbalance Myth
Psychiatrists themselves confess the chemical-imbalance theory is a myth.
Research as to why their drugs affect patients consist of completely unsubstantiated theories. Researchers have concluded that the brain, with more neurons than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy, is beyond their understanding.
Yet psychiatrists continue to embrace and circulate their chemical imbalance theory.
Psychiatrist Frank Ayd declares this mythical explanation is reassuring to patients and encourages them to take their medicine. In other words, psychiatrists base their diagnosis, patient relationship and treatment plan on an admitted lie.
Psychotropic Drug Research a Fool’s Errand
Is it possible the drug industry is becoming leery of continuing their symbiotic relationship with the psychiatric industry?
Gary Greenberg, psychotherapist and author points out, “As Steven Hyman, the former head of the National Institute of Mental Health, wrote last year, the notion that ‘disease mechanisms could … be inferred from drug action’ has succeeded mostly in ‘capturing the imagination of researchers’ and has become ‘something of a scientific curse.’ Bedazzled by the prospect of unraveling the mysteries of psychic suffering, researchers have spent recent decades on a fool’s errand—chasing down chemical imbalances that don’t exist. And the result, as Friedman put it, is that ‘it is hard to think of a single truly novel psychotropic drug that has emerged in the last thirty years.'”
Greenberg continues, “Despite the BRAIN initiative recently announced by the Obama Administration, and the N.I.M.H.’s renewed efforts to stimulate research on the neurocircuitry of mental disorder, there is nothing on the horizon with which to replace the old story. Without a new explanatory framework, drug-company scientists don’t even know where to begin, so it makes no sense for the industry to stay in the psychiatric-drug business.
Drug Company Lawsuits Abound
Additionally, drug company execs may have second thoughts about continuing to develop and market psychotropic drugs that have resulted in so many damaging lawsuits. As the children whose lives were destroyed with stimulants and other psycho pharmaceuticals reach adulthood, their possible rage at having their abilities and future robbed without their consent might lead to more expensive court settlements.
For example, Johnson & Johnson has been sued numerous times over Risperdal, an ADHD drug that causes boys to develop breasts (gynecomastia) and is responsible for a host of additional serious side effects.
A Johnson & Johnson sales manager asserted that as early as 2003 J & J salespeople were trained to promote Risperdal to children’s doctors. Additionally:
- There was no approval for Risperdal’s use in children at that time
- There was an accusation that doctors were paid to speak favorably of the drug and prescribe it to children and adolescents by sponsoring golf outings and other incentives
- In May of 2012 the Attorney General in Kentucky announced a lawsuit alleging Johnson & Johnson concealed dangerous side effects of Risperdal and Invega, including diabetes, substantial weight gain, stroke and gynecomastia
Big Pharma company execs and their marketing teams appear to be without sorrow regarding the human wreckage left in the wake of their money-making schemes, including their multi-billion dollar advertising budget.
Can these people be shamed into ceasing and desisting? Hopefully the chemical imbalance hoax will drive the final nail into the psychiatric drug research and development coffin.