Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings
Antidepressants carry FDA warnings that may surprise most people. Some of which include, depression, suicidal thoughts and violent actions.
Antidepressants carry FDA warnings that may surprise most people. Some of which include, depression, suicidal thoughts and violent actions.
Most Parents are unaware that children have the right to know all the risks of psychiatric drugs, prior, to being prescribed and administered these mind-altering, prescription drugs.
Designer drugs, Smiles, K-2, Spice, and more, are responsible for the deaths of some of our most talented celebrities, young women and men and behind it all, we need to find out where are these drugs coming from.
Child deaths are results of multiple psychiatric drugs at the early age of three and four years old. It’s vital to read factual information and not pay attention to biased and vested opinions.
Antipsychotics used to be prescribed primarily for the “mental disorder” called schizophrenia. Since there is no schizophrenia epidemic, then what is the explanation to account for the increased use of antipsychotics?
What exactly is infant mental health? It is loosely defined as the healthy social and emotional development of a child from birth to three years old. What does that mean exactly?
The physical causes of depression are typically not looked for by the medical community. Many people are placed on mind-altering drugs instead. Learn more about the alternatives and protect your rights to informed consent.
Effexor side effects (and this would include other antidepressants as well as Effexor) may cause permanent brain damage. Psychologist Gary Greenberg expressed his concern, citing studies that showed high doses of these drugs cause changes in neurons.
Imagine if Kim’s parents hadn’t found a different school for her. Would she still be a “learning disabled” high school student today, struggling with her studies? How many kids out there are doing just that because they don’t have the opportunity to go to another school?
The FDA places strong warnings on mental health drugs. Unfortunately most people are not fully informed of the risks of these drugs prior to taking them. This video will open your eyes to the truth about mental health drugs.
Today, 4 million children begin their school day by taking a small yellow pill, Ritalin, to control their hyperactivity. Since 1990, there has been a 700% increase in the use of the stimulant. And more than 2.5 million prescriptions for anti-depressants were written for pre-schoolers and adolescents.
The Affordable Health Care Act plans to place even more resources into a field which not only fails to preserve mental health, but is destroying lives. The faith being placed in psychiatry and their drug treatments might be broken if full investigations were made following the horribly senseless killings and suicides by those prescribed such drugs.