Refined Sugar Plays a Role in Mental Illness

Refined Sugar Plays a Role in Mental Illness

In a study published by the British Journal of Psychiatry, a strong correlation was found between consumption of refined sugar and mental illness. Specifically, it was found that a higher incidence of schizophrenia and depression was predictable based on high...

Where Mental Illnesses Originate

Mental illness has been growing by leaps and bounds. Psychiatrist Irwin Savodnik declares, “The original diagnostic manual [DSM-Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders] appeared in 1952 and contained 107 diagnoses and 132 pages, by my count. “…in 1994,...

What’s the Real Deal with Mental Illness?

If you had to define mental illness, what would you say?  Or even more importantly, depending on your answer, what is the cause of it?  Not sure?  Where could one find a definition?  There is a book called The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders...