Prescribing ADHD Drugs to Children as a Study Aid is Unethical
Stimulant drugs are routinely prescribed these days for children who can’t sit still in class or who can’t concentrate and focus on their work. Many doctors will be overly quick to diagnose ADHD and write a prescription. If this wasn’t bad enough, it has now gone...
New Video: Youth and Xanax
Too many young adults are “sharing” their prescription drugs, without any real knowledge of the potentially fatal consequences. It’s vital to raise awareness of the FDA warnings on mental health meds in order to guarantee the future of our youth....Mental Health Meds DO Cause Suicide and Violence
School massacres have been happening for almost fifteen years now if one regards Columbine in 1999 as the first one of note. Mass shootings and murder-suicides date back much earlier. It certainly appears that massacres by young men have been occurring in increasing...Schools Should Not Have Programs to Detect Mental Illness
Of course no one wants another school massacre like the one that just occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary a couple of months ago. So how do we prevent such a tragedy from happening again? Some think having armed guards at schools will protect our kids. Others think...More Mental Health Programs Mean More Mass Shootings
Since twenty school children and six adults were killed just before Christmas last year in a mass shooting in Newtown, CT, discussions of gun control and more access to mental health services are in the news daily. There is talk of bans on assault weapons and how our...What is PTSD? Today’s Latest Military Tragedy
Looking into what is PTSD is revealing. PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is defined on the U.S. National Library of Medicine website as a potentially debilitating anxiety disorder triggered by exposure to a traumatic experience. War veterans often have it....What is Mental Health? – A Look at Psychiatric Drugs, Guns and Mass Killers
An answer to what is mental health appeared on January 16th in President Obama’s proposals to reduce gun violence in the United States. It could strongly be argued it is the wrong answer. First he calls for closing background check loopholes to try to keep guns out of...
Know your rights as a patient!
New Video that demonstrates your rights in regards to the mental health...Psychiatric Meds and Criminality
A recent article published in “Smart KIDS Learning Disabilities”, claiming that ADHD medication reduces criminal behavior is, without a doubt, a scandalous conscious effort to advocate the taking of psychiatric drugs, especially among young adults. Not only are the...Do Psychiatric Drugs Cause Behavior Problems?
There have been 22 International Drug Regulatory Agency Warnings saying that psychiatric drugs cause violence, mania, psychosis and even homicidal ideation. The conditions that can be brought about by taking these drugs are, to say the least, serious problems in...
Interview with Human Rights Advocate–Mr. Jim Harper
Mr. Jim Harper is the founder of “The Road Back” program and has helped more than 40,000 individuals to become fully informed about the risks of psychiatric medication and the alternative treatments. This is a brief talk show interview with Mr. Harper.
Unwanted Screening for Disorders Alive and Well in Obamacare
Mental Health Screening has had its share of controversy. Upon the eve of Teenscreen ending in the United States, we have the Federal Health Bill which includes many more programs to mental health screen every single generation. There are no medical and scientific studies that show mental health disorders exist and none that exhibit a benefit from mental health screening.
The Mental Disorder Test Hoax
Finding an actual mental disorder test is a lesson in futility. Even the prestigious Mayo Clinic website can’t provide information on an actual test.
Natural Disasters Do Not Cause Mental Illness
The mental health community would have us believe that those who live through a natural disaster are now prone to mental illness. This is only and soley a means of captializing on others’ hardships. The facts are clear, there is not one medical test to evidence a mental disorder and stress is just that, stress.