Signs of Anxiety may Start in the Gut
If you have ever had the unpleasant sensation of stage fright (sometimes referred to as “butterflies in the stomach”) you are familiar with the influence this second brain may have on your well-being.
If you have ever had the unpleasant sensation of stage fright (sometimes referred to as “butterflies in the stomach”) you are familiar with the influence this second brain may have on your well-being.
Many parents of children who have been diagnosed with Autism, may not have gotten fully informed. There are medical studies that show that Secretin, a naturaly occuring neuropeptide, eliminates the symptoms of Autism.
Most Parents are unaware that children have the right to know all the risks of psychiatric drugs, prior, to being prescribed and administered these mind-altering, prescription drugs.
The physical causes of depression are typically not looked for by the medical community. Many people are placed on mind-altering drugs instead. Learn more about the alternatives and protect your rights to informed consent.
Imagine if Kim’s parents hadn’t found a different school for her. Would she still be a “learning disabled” high school student today, struggling with her studies? How many kids out there are doing just that because they don’t have the opportunity to go to another school?
The FDA places strong warnings on mental health drugs. Unfortunately most people are not fully informed of the risks of these drugs prior to taking them. This video will open your eyes to the truth about mental health drugs.
Today, 4 million children begin their school day by taking a small yellow pill, Ritalin, to control their hyperactivity. Since 1990, there has been a 700% increase in the use of the stimulant. And more than 2.5 million prescriptions for anti-depressants were written for pre-schoolers and adolescents.
Many individuals are not informed of the alternative treatments that are available regarding depression and other mental health symptoms. There are numerous physical causes of mental health symptoms that can be evidenced with traditional medical tests.
It is true that children can be inattentive, unfocused, fidgety and hyperactive. Children are not adults and should not be expected to behave like one in class or any other place. Boys especially can have a lot of energy but it doesn’t mean they have a “mental disorder.”
It’s time to look at how your physical health affects your mind. Historically, if you had any “mental illness” type symptoms, you were either deemed crazy, sent to a shrink, locked up or all three. But where are those “mental” symptoms coming from? Is it logical to think that they randomly appear out of nowhere? Of course not. It is logical that the human body can develop a physical ailment or deficiency which could be detrimental to your mental well-being.
This past weekend there was a mass shooting in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Six people plus the shooter were killed. A few weeks earlier, James Holmes shot and killed twelve people and wounded fifty-eight others in a movie theater in Colorado. Five years ago the deadliest mass shooting of all occurred at Virginia Tech, where thirty-two people were killed and many others were injured. And finally, no one has forgotten the shooting that occurred at Columbine over ten years ago.
Amphetamines are known as ADHD drugs. They are in the same class of drugs as cocaine. Unfortunately, most parents are not given the FDA package insert on these drugs prior to giving consent.