Bullying has become a threat to our children’s happiness and welfare. Despite bullying laws in Florida and elsewhere, the intimidation continues.
In a 2013 Florida statutes states that Bullying “includes cyberbullying and means systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students and may involve:
1. Teasing;
2. Social exclusion;
3. Threat;
4. Intimidation;
5. Stalking;
6. Physical violence;
7. Theft;
8. Sexual, religious, or racial harassment;
9. Public or private humiliation; or
10. Destruction of property.”
Bullying goes beyond the occasional teasing between friends, and with the utilization of the internet, can become extremely cruel and pervasive.
Unfortunately, the handling of both bullies and victims has been turned over to the incapable hands of the psychiatric profession. Their solution is to label the bullies with ADD and oppositional/conduct disorder and the victims with depression and PTSD. Not surprisingly, the most common solution for both bullies and their victims is dosing with psychiatric drugs.
Although many schools now have programs to educate students and teachers on the potential damage of bullying, the programs overall are ineffective.
A study done by the University of Texas in Arlington discovered that the prevention programs tend to increase physical and emotional attacks, as they are teaching kids all about bullying. Kids become exposed to what a bully is and what methods he may use. Those who are involved in bullying can also figure out what to say when parents or teachers question them about their behavior.
These statistics are eye-opening:
- Almost 60% of students have witnessed bullying at school
- One of every 7 children (K-12) has either bullied another or been a victim
- Over 71% of students state bullying is a problem in their school
- 10% of students either drop out of school or change schools due to bullying
Does the fact that “values” are no longer taught in school have an effect on the behavior of those involved in bullying? If a child is no longer taught to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” he may have no reason not to bully another child.
Treating childhood misbehavior as a mental illness is a slippery slope. Children are human beings, not animals regulated by uncontrollable impulses that require drugging.
Parents getting involved with their child’s education and how things are going at school, is the best way to catch any potential bully situation before it gets out of control.