Abilify side effects can lead to death or permanent disability. In a video by Andy Behrman, former spokesman for Abilify and Bristol Myers Squibb he states,
“On Abilify I started to experience one by one, all the side effects they talk about in those TV commercials- including agitation, confusion, stiff muscles and memory loss. I stopped taking Abilify because I didn’t want to experience the final side effect, death.”
Here is a partial list of Abilify side effects from Med TV:
- Signs of diabetes, such as: high blood sugar, increased thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger
- Large or rapid weight gain
- Suicidal thoughts
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Dizziness or fainting when going from a sitting or lying-down position to standing
- Feelings of internal restlessness or jitteriness
- Any abnormal muscle movements (these movements can become permanent if Abilify is not stopped quickly)
- A painful erection of the penis that does not go away (priapism)
- Signs or symptoms of neuroleptic malignant syndrome, which can include: a high fever, stiff muscles, confusion, irregular pulse or blood pressure, an increased heart rate, sweating, irregular heart rhythms
- Signs of an allergic reaction, including: unexplained rash, hives, itching, unexplained swelling, wheezing, difficulty breathing or swallowing.
If Abilify side effects are so frightening, why is it such a popular drug treatment choice among psychiatrists? This quote from a Reuters article explains this well,
“Abilify, with global sales last year of $2.15 billion, is Bristol-Myers’ second-biggest product and one of its fastest growing. The company had been expected in November 2012 to return U.S. sales rights to the medicine’s discoverer, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co of Japan.
“But in a revision to the drugmakers’ decade-old licensing deal, Bristol-Myers (BMY.N) said it will now be allowed to sell Abilify in the United States until it loses patent protection in April 2015.” 1
The complaints about this drug have become so rampant that there are now attorneys specializing in Abilify lawsuits.
Injury.com offers the following information on Abilify side effects,
“Abilify is an antipsychotic drug used to treat schizophrenia. Side effects can include serious injuries like seizures and lead to death in older patients.
“Abilify is approved by the FDA, but has been known to cause serious side effects, including memory loss, dizziness, drowsiness and weight gain. The FDA has also released a warning that Abilify increases chances of death in older patients.
“Abilify is used to treat schizophrenia and some patients with severe bipolar disorder. The FDA has approved the drug (it is the sixth atypical antipsychotic to be approved), but it has also released a warning for older patients because of an increased chance of death.”2
When there are lawyers specializing in deadly Abilify side effects, it is time to eliminate the cause before more lives are lost or permanently ruined.
Linked above: http://www.youtube.com/user/andybehrmanla (video by former spokesperson for Abilify and Bristol Myers Squibb)
1. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN0534405020090406
Abilify seroquel and depakote have ruined my life akathisia tardive dyskenesia hypersexuality no one cares feeling suicidal all the time
Abilify has officially ruined my life. I’m only 21 I take it for schizophrenia. I feel jittery all the time cant remember anything to the point where I instantly think of something the immediately forget about it. Cant enjoy anything because I’m jittery all the time. Cant even walk properly because I feel tired and my legs start aching. This is just walking up the stairs. Cant look strait sometimes because of my eyes rolling up. Doc gave me some parkinsons drugs for this but didnt want to take them for fears that it would make my forgetfulness worse then it already is. I cant even do my hobbies anymore which was art They say it’s a low dose but its bloody killing me from the inside out. It has also made me suicidal due to all of this I havent told the doctor for fears that he would put me on a higher dose. I just want off I have been on it for 1.5 months and they want me on it for 3 years at least I really dont want to be on it for this long because I feel so bad on it. I’m struggling at work with it and I have no idea what to do. I need help
Wean yourself off of the Abilify. Don’t stop it cold turkey. It gave me Tardive Dyskenesia and I have no control over movements of my tongue. It’s resting place is hanging out of my mouth which puts muscle strain on my jaw. It’s exhausting. I also have jerk motions in my left leg and move my hands and feet constantly. The only peace I get is when I’m asleep.
Yup I can relate to the confusion, anxiety, and also feeling foggy. Even before going on this medication I’ve tried explaining to my doctor the damage it can do, and she still prescribed it to me, but my parents are complete
Y for it. I can’t help but believe they’ve been misinformed by my doctor. I’ve been doing research on this medication and have found out some pretty horrible things about it, but it’s extremely hard to ignore the side effects which are getting worse. I just want my parents to hear what I’m saying and take the initiative to take me off it. I haven’t experienced anything positive while being on this medication. It slowly and discreetly makes you numb. I feel like they don’t want to hear what I’m saying and they think I’m just nagging them about it, but they might change that opinion if they just listen to what I’m actually saying. They won’t even discuss it with me or tell me why I’m on it, because there honestly isn’t any logical reason. it’s stupid, and I’m fed up.
I was on it for about a couple months. I completely changed. I had severe anxiety, confusion, insomnia and now I have a block stutter. I have no history of stuttering. I also have moderate memory loss now. I have to write everything down. I lose words right before I need to use them or they come out in reverse order. I got off Abilify immediately and the anxiety significantly dropped and the confusion is gone most of the time. I’m absolutely heart broken. My confidence is way down. I feel stupid because I dummy down what I want to say so I can get the words out. I doubt everything because I can’t trust my memory. Anyone else get the stuttering?
I have developed a stutter while taking this medication and have no history of a stutter at all. I also have horrible memory loss, I will put something down and immediately forget where i put it.
I’m really torn about this medication. My son is 12 and has been on it for 6 weeks. It’s amazing to see the benefits mentally and how it has helped him. He is such a happier person and doesn’t have these meltdowns and he doesn’t want to die anymore it’s been great. About a week ago he started complaining about his back and leg hurting plus he just sits up in bed 3-5 times a night and doesn’t remember I’m not sure if he’s in pain or what. I’m curious if anyone can give me more insight because it’s not me I cannot tell if that’s truly the only side effects he’s having. Do the muscle pains go away when you stop the meds? Do they get worse as time goes on?
Am I the only one who suffers from heat even in the winter and sweats profusely from my head leaving me with wet hair and removes all of my make up. This makes me so miserable I get panicky and feel I might pass out. I no longer want to go to any social events because it is so embarrassing . I also get very short of breath. If I wait a few minutes to enter a conversation then I can’t remember what I was going to say. I have gained weight and suffered hair loss. I sometimes have blurred vision. I am still on it because when I try to stop I go into a deep depression. I don’t believe I have bipolar. I have never experienced the high. I am extremely depressed. I’ve talked to my Doctor and he encourages me to continue taking it because he believes it has helped me more than any other med.
Terrible medication. Put me in bed for 4 years. Had no idea I was “out” like that until my son told me to get off it to see if I got better. Did, and “woke up” and was perfectly fine as before starting it when I was treated for low level depression that wouldn’t go away with antidepressants. Had however lost much mussel mass, and in addition got leg nephropathy, which I remember started just after I started with it. Severe tardive dyskinesia after, and I had had sever akatesia all through I realized afterwards. ALL memory of the 4 years basically gone. 7 years off and still sever neuropathy. Akatesia and dyskinesia gone thankfully. Lost 4 years of my life because of it. Have not yet found a Lawyer to take on the manufacturer of Abilify. IF anyone knows of one let me know.
John Towles, How long had you been on the ABILIFY?
My Grandson was on abilify when he was 16.His whole charactor changed.He started stealing from everyone.We took him off the ability and he was back to normal.He stopped stealing..
I gained a lot of weight while on Ability and developed type 2 Diabetes. I am off the drug now and was able to lose 91 lbs.
I also developed a gambling problem and lost a lot of money playing penny stocks.
Side affects are listed as a small print disclaimer from the pharmacy. Everything has side effects, but pharmaceutical companies and doctors that push their meds should be responsible for monitoring their patients. My niece has severe seizures because she took abilify
I’m not sure if it’s caused by my grandson taking this or not but his hair is falling out and he is looking really paile.. SO do anyone know if this is the case please let me know..
Hi my name is Chris and I took ability for about 3 months and now I have this pain in my legs and it’s hard to sleep and to move because of the pain in my thighs and calfs.
Can I file a lawsuit against something like this if it doesn’t go away??
I am currently off of alilify 3 days, but pain is still horrible.
Contact me if you have any info on my condition please. Chrisjamesrice2017@gmail.com
Abilify is ruining my life. I got into a technical graduate school and have trouble holding a menial job. It causes A lot of short’term memory loss. I am also losing my balance.
I took abilify for I think 4-5 years.
I’ve noticed my muscles have been getting weaker and they have ridges in them. Also I used to have really thick full hair and now I lose a lot of hair each day. Some days handfuls. I would get agitated a lot, impulsive and I was always anxious! I felt like I have lost coordination of my left arm and hand.
I stopped taking abilify about 3 weeks ago and switched to seroquel.
My mood is getting better but the physical side effects from abilify are still there.
Are any of these side effects permanent?
My husband was put on abilify and died suddenly in his sleep one month ago. HE had only been on the medication for several months.
I am very sorry to learn of your loss. If you have not already done so, please file an abuse report with CCHR International at https://www.cchrint-programs.org/acms/case/create
I took ability from July 2013 until around 2015. I didn’t realize the things that were going on with me was because of that medicine. I had terrible thoughts of succied temporary memory lose which I still have. Wanting sweets and gaining a lot of weight. Dizziness compulsive sweating. Compulsive gambling which I lost a lot of money. I got cars repoed emptied out bank account and in 2015 had to file bankrupt. I have athoritis in my back I have high blood pressure. I had exculated sexual tendasies which it was so bad I would watch porn two or three times a day. My shopping habits were crazy. I would buy stuff even though I know I couldn’t afford it. I put my wife in such a bind with my gambling because she would have to pay all the bills by herself. Then my sleeping were habits were so bad I could sleep for 14 hrs a day. It still linger ons even after I have stop taken it. I could go on and on. None of this stuff was here before I started taking that medicine.
Abilify ruined my life. I asked the doctor if this drug was safe he lied and said it was. I want abilify taken off the market NOW!
My mother took abilfly 2006/2007 & she has had several side effects, her tongue move constently, in & out of her mouth, her hand/feet constantly makes jerking movements it makes it hard for her & whom ever else may be close to her or even around her,to sleep & she has had to take medicine just to be able to get a few hours of sleep each night. My mother is only 61. & she shouldn’t be having to deal w/all the bullcrap that is a side effect of this drug… I’ve seen her break down & cry b/c she can’t control the jerkiness, movements of her tongue please let us know what we can do like what’s our options
I am here in Australia, Medicated against my will, on a treatment order, I can’t feel life anymore. So heavy. Death is an option to escape. Remo Rodriguez
Abilify ruined my life by costing me the girl of my dreams since 5th grade. She has been on Effexor since her 1st husband. We met back up and it was absolutely fairy tail. We went to the dr because she had had a few bouts with just crying for no reason. Dr said he was gonna put her on abilify. I googled it and read some things and said that I was 100% against it. I was ignored. On day 4 I asked her to stop taking it. She did not. I watched the changes daily after that. Finally after 6 weeks, I proved she should not be taking it so she stopped. By this time, abilify had taken the kindest, sweetest most gentle soul I’d ever seen and turned her into a mean, spiteful, hurtful demon. Crushed, I lost my $100000/yr job and still haven’t recovered. I just want “my Holly” back
I am experiencing most of side effects described in all of the previous posts. I am also seeking legal representation. I was on Abilify for three months in 2014. I have been diagnosed with Patkinson syndrome by two prominent neurologists
wrongful death of my mother. Looking for an lawyer to take the case.
You are welcome to take a look on our website at this list. Let us know if we can help in anyway. https://cchrflorida.org/recommended-attorney-list.html
I was on abilifi back in 2009 and it has caused permanent damage to my nerves on the right side.. I shake like you wouldn’t believe I can’t do my career anymore and it’s really hard to even write anymore .. I just wish I could find a way to stop shaking it makes my life so much easier..
I was on a abilify from 2007 to 2009 stArted at 1/2 mg to 20mg a day in conjunction with several other medications. I experienced severe weight gain from 165lbs to 350+ lbs, I now suffer from dehabilitating life affecting seizures on a daily basis causing the loss of several jobs thus resulting in me becoming homeless.i have asked neurologists, psychiatric doctors and others if this could be caused from abilify and still no clear answers. I have contacted dozens of lawyers and none yet have taken my case. I have been wanting somebody to answer to their actions that have ruined my life. I also do know that abilify manufacturers have been known to pay doctors kickbacks and vacations which would explain why my psychiatrist was able to go on some very nice trips she told me about. If anybody knows of any lawsuits and lawyers taking on cases please do let me know.
I fell numerous times, and once fell into the bad time, and hit my head on the tiles.
I had hand tremors
I had muscle weakness in my hands and legs.
I could not button a shirt.
I could not open a can of soda pop or any tpe of paper package.
I had to use a walker in the house.
When I went to the doctor I had to use a wheelchair.
I could not write legible.
I could not drive.
I had to take physical therapy for two months.
I had to have an aid to cook for me, and also bathe me.
I had to have a nurse check me out on a weekly basis.
It then caused me to have Parkinsonism.
My neourologist said it was caused by abilify.
I could not walk in a normal gait, because it affected my gait.
I feel that this as a very dangerous drug and needs to be removed from the market.
I was on abilify for about 2 years and I started with the muscle movements. First my finger tips then my arms and legs and then my whole body at times. I told my doctor and they put me on a drug for Parkinson’s which didn’t help at all. They wouldn’t listen to me that I couldn’t take it anymore. Finally I took myself off of it 3 years ago. I still have the problems but not as bad. I guess it’s here to stay but at least it’s better than before.
i would like for you to contact me by phone 6154847312 i had diebetes from abilify and need to talk to someone
I have been on abilify for more than two years, prescribed for schisophrenia. I now suffer from short term memory loss, ankylosing spondolytis (extreme muscle stiffness), restlessness, pains in my kidneys, high blood pressure. Yet my so called doctor denies that these symptoms, which I did not have prior to taking abilify, is “definitely” not caused by the medicine. The more I complained, the more everyone just urged me to carry on with the drug. Untill I decided enough is enough and stopped the medicine. I am 42 and not yet ready to die, which I believe would have happened on abilify. My doctor have yet to be informed. My kidneys already feel less painfull. The rest of the symptoms are still with me (not sure if permanent). I guess I will just have to learn to live with the mild “voices” I still experience.
I am writing this letter about Abilify. This is a very dangerous drug, with very bad side affects. I was given this medicine at my local Health and Behavoiral clinic, by an APN. I do not remember how long I was on it, but it was seveal months that I am sure.Here are the following terrible things that happened to me while I was taken it.
I fell numerous times, and once fell into the bad time, and hit my head on the tiles.
I had hand tremors
I had muscle weakness in my hands and legs.
I could not button a shirt.
I could not open a can of soda pop or any tpe of paper package.
I had to use a walker in the house.
When I went to the doctor I had to use a wheelchair.
I could not write legible.
I could not drive.
I had to take physical therapy for two months.
I had to have an aid to cook for me, and also bathe me.
I had to have a nurse check me out on a weekly basis.
It then caused me to have Parkinsonism.
My neourologist said it was caused by abilify.
I could not walk in a normal gait, because it affected my gait.
I feel that this as a very dangerous drug and needs to be removed from the market.
Other people make take it longer than I did and it could lead to Parkinsons Disease.
I also feel, that I should receive a monetary compensation for the hell I went threw.
I feel that is the do not give me one, I will file a lawsuit against them. I have talked to a lawyer, and think I have a case. I had rather not go to court, but settle out of court.
Jerry Lee Branscum
Thank you Jerry Lee for your story. Please let us know how your case progresses.
Your story is my story. I started Abilify in the year 2011. My balance was terrible I kept falling. I became so weak I couldn’t open the jar my hand writing was so small you couldn’t even read it. And had a fog over my head that prevented me from having my true personality. Spent four days in the hospital after some type of seizure regarding my arms and legs .spent four days in the hospital and they could not find a Cause. Finally went to my own Neurologist and he looked at the list of all the medicines I was on and tell me to get off Abilify right away. Is that diagnosis was drug-induced Parkinson’s. I’ve been through hell all these years. I have to rely on a walker had in-home therapy Have in-home therapy for six weeks I have to go to physical therapy and occupational therapy to try and undo the damage Abilify caused. Two days after stopping the Abilify I started to instantly feel better. I am now looking for an attorney that specializes in Abilify and drug induced Parkinson’s . Have you gone to an attorney yet?
I also had the same symptoms and developed drug induced Parkinson’s. ability stole 7 years of my quality of life. I plan suing Ability and the Bristol Myers pharmaceutical. I wish we both have luck and at least get restitution for ruining our lives
Abilify side effects experienced by me:
Motor skills affected, zombie like, extremely tired, extremely sleepy, unable to perform normal everyday things correctly, crying for no reason, impaired driving, affecting confidence & the ability to learn. Many other problems.
I took abilify ended in hospital for 51/2 months now a full blown diabetic taking insulin 5 times a day to survive also had pancreatitis kidney failure and the doctors at hospital said that it was because of the abilify that I was taking
I now since taking abilify have uncontrollable muscle movements, which makes it hard to sleep. It is very painful due to degenerate disc disease, osteo arthritis and fibromyalgia. I also have sugar cravings that then make me tired. Im going to try and get my Dr to take me off it.
It is so unfortunate that you were not fully informed of the side effects prior to being administered abilify. Please contact our office if you need any facts or further information. 800-782-2878
It’s a very dangerous drug. I was on it since 2011 and slowly developed Parkingson’s. My neurologist took me off Abilify and I felt better in two days .i’ve been through hell and back these last couple of years with so many symptoms that come on so slowly you don’t really recognize it until it is out of control. There are safer medications and I would definitely make my doctor take me off it
Ability has caused me to constantly move my tongue feet fingers and hum
Hi Dawn! I’m so glad to read your post because Abilify did the same thing to me. It has damaged me permanently by causing me to thrust my tongue which loosened my teeth to the point I could ode them. I hum all the time. Every step I take I hum; I talk out loud to myself; everything I read aloud. I have a muscle jerk in my left leg that is uncontrollable. It has just been torture. I tried contacting one attorney but he wasn’t interested. So here I sit tonight with obsessively licking my lips and hanging my tongue out of my mouth which I now do all the time.
Sorry if this is a duplicate message. I don’t think my devious one went through. Abilify has permanently damaged me due to causing me to thrust my tongue against my teeth loosening them. Constantly. moving my tongue and hanging it out of my mouth. Also causing a permanent jerk motion in my left leg. I hum all the time and read everything out loud.
Do not think you are alone…my right leg continues to jerk and I still have trouble sleeping and I have been off the drug for nearly four years….good luck
I forgot to mention that I also have bad tremors in my right hand
the drs thought at first I had had some TIAs.
I was in the hospital twice so far.
I couldn’t remember anything, short term memory is very bad. I must write everything down. I used to never forget anything before the ABILIFY.
There is a lot more. Can’t talk in text or emails easily.
If there is ever a lawsuit please contact me please.
Thank you