Psychiatry’s Push for Mental Illness Results in Disregard for Real Disease
The number of “mental disorders” has grown exponentially since they were first collectively published in the early fifties. Since Prozac became famous more than thirty years ago, the number of people on psychotropic drugs has correspondingly multiplied as well. One...DSM-5 is Coming – Watch Out
DSM-5, the 5th and latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association is scheduled to appear in May 2013. It continues the tradition of creating new psychiatric disorders on a totally...Play Therapy; OneWay to Treat Mental Health or Behavioral Health Symptoms?
Play therapy is defined as a form of therapy “used with children to help them express or act out their experiences, feelings, and problems by playing with dolls, toys, and other play material, under the guidance or observation of a therapist.” Play therapy is...Our Soldiers put at more risk
Experiments trying out ecstasy effects on soldiers labeled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) were promoted in an article in the military newspaper “Stars and Stripes” on Nov 20th. Ecstasy (or MDMA) is a party drug popular in the 1980’s and 1990’s and...Schools Should Not Have Programs to Detect Mental Illness
Of course no one wants another school massacre like the one that just occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary a couple of months ago. So how do we prevent such a tragedy from happening again? Some think having armed guards at schools will protect our kids. Others think...Chemical Imbalance and ADHD Myths
There is a relationship between the chemical imbalance theory and ADHD myths. The drugs are not “correcting chemical imbalances.” These are psychoactive drugs that cause an altered physical and mental state. Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, a staunch critic of...The Mental Disorder Test Hoax
Finding an actual mental disorder test is a lesson in futility. Even the prestigious Mayo Clinic website can’t provide information on an actual test.
Depression Is One of the Major Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
Depression, one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism, is often treated with anti-depressant drugs. However, taking the correct hormone medication instead would handle the true cause of such feelings and relieve the person’s symptoms. Hypothyroidism is a...
Electric Shocks Are Inhumane and Barbaric
Eighteen year-old Andre McCollins, being electric shocked while face down and restrained. He was shocked thirty-one times over a seven hour period because he would not take off his coat.
Manic Depressive Natural Treatment
Many individuals are not informed of the alternative treatments that are available regarding depression and other mental health symptoms. There are numerous physical causes of mental health symptoms that can be evidenced with traditional medical tests.
SSRIs Create Mass Murderers
Mass murderers seem to still get their signals crossed while on SSRIs and have committed horrendous acts while under this influence.
Synthetic Weed-Who is Making it?
Some synthetic weed is being manufactured here in the United States, potentially netting millions of dollars for these “entrepreneurs.” Earlier this month authorities in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana arrested seven who were allegedly part of a large synthetic weed...Bath Salts and Antidepressants Cause Psychosis
The dangers of bath salts are worthy of inspection and similar to the dangers of antidepresants. Violence, murder, suicide and involuntary commitment are all potential results of these drugs.
How the Baker Act Affects Marijuana Users
The Baker Act is a Florida state law where people who appear to be “mentally ill” are are forced to go to a psychiatric hospital because they, apparently, pose a danger to themselves and/or others.
It is in the name of “public safety” that they are involuntarily committed due to their recent display of irrational behavior.
Many young people are being institutionalized after smoking marijuana, due to adverse effects. It has been found that marijuana can be laced with phencyclidine, otherwise known as PCP. With low doses one can expect a change in body awareness, numbness of the extremities and poor muscular coordination. However, higher doses can produce
hallucinations, seizures, paranoia, disordered thinking and garbled speech. At
the extreme, catatonia and death are possible.