Psychiatry’s Push for Mental Illness Results in Disregard for Real Disease
The number of “mental disorders” has grown exponentially since they were first collectively published in the early fifties. Since Prozac became famous more than thirty years ago, the number of people on psychotropic drugs has correspondingly multiplied as well. One...
DSM-5 is Coming – Watch Out
DSM-5, the 5th and latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association is scheduled to appear in May 2013. It continues the tradition of creating new psychiatric disorders on a totally...
Benzodiazepines Can Cause Dementia and Other Serious Side Effects
Psychiatric drugs such as Xanax and Valium are pretty much on the same level of notoriety as Prozac and Zoloft. However, Xanax and Valium are not antidepressants but are benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines have sedative and hypnotic effects. They are widely...
Long-Term Study on ADHD Lacking and Misleading
A new study followed children diagnosed with ADHD into adulthood. It claims that ADHD is not just a childhood disorder but can continue into adulthood. It claims that children diagnosed with ADHD were more likely to develop at least one other psychiatric disorder. ...
Prescribing ADHD Drugs to Children as a Study Aid is Unethical
Stimulant drugs are routinely prescribed these days for children who can’t sit still in class or who can’t concentrate and focus on their work. Many doctors will be overly quick to diagnose ADHD and write a prescription. If this wasn’t bad enough, it has now gone...
Designer Drugs and Street Drugs Have Roots in Psychiatry
Back in the day, it seems like there were only a few drugs used that fall under substance abuse. Going as far back as the sixties, LSD, heroin, valium, and cocaine are names that most people are familiar with. Today, in addition to these drugs, there are many new...
Benzodiazepine Cause Anti-Social Behavior in Fish
Oxazepam is in the benzodiazepine family of drugs. Benzodiazepines are known as central nervous system depressants, which are medicines that slow down the nervous system. In Sweden enough of it is being prescribed that the quantity of the drug passing through human...
Play Therapy; OneWay to Treat Mental Health or Behavioral Health Symptoms?
Play therapy is defined as a form of therapy "used with children to help them express or act out their experiences, feelings, and problems by playing with dolls, toys, and other play material, under the guidance or observation of a therapist.” Play therapy is popular...

New Video: Youth and Xanax
Too many young adults are "sharing" their prescription drugs, without any real knowledge of the potentially fatal consequences. It's vital to raise awareness of the FDA warnings on mental health meds in order to guarantee the future of our youth. New Video:...

Divorcing—And Child Drugging
New 5 minute video.
ADHD–News Update
An article in CNN Health, of January 21st, 2013, suggests that ADHD is on the rise, with 5.6% of America’s white children being diagnosed in 2010 and a marked increase of some 69.6% of African-American children diagnosed with the so-called disease between 2001 and...
Mental Health Meds DO Cause Suicide and Violence
School massacres have been happening for almost fifteen years now if one regards Columbine in 1999 as the first one of note. Mass shootings and murder-suicides date back much earlier. It certainly appears that massacres by young men have been occurring in increasing...

New Video: Elderly and Antipsychotics
Our Soldiers put at more risk
Experiments trying out ecstasy effects on soldiers labeled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) were promoted in an article in the military newspaper “Stars and Stripes” on Nov 20th. Ecstasy (or MDMA) is a party drug popular in the 1980’s and 1990’s and...

Early Symptoms of Autism and Psychiatric Drugs
There are early symptoms of autism that parents are told to watch for in a baby or toddler. Some of them are: Does not respond with a smile if you smile at him or her Will not respond to a familiar voice or to his name Won’t reach to you to be picked up Doesn’t wave...