Bullying Not Related to Mental Health

by | Dec 6, 2013

Whatever your age, it’s most likely you are familiar with bullies.  There is always one in every class picking on someone and causing trouble, thus explaining how the phrase ‘pick on someone your own size’ came to be.  Despite the existence of bullies since time immemorial, the media has put extra attention on bullying as a continuing current topic.  Since bullying isn’t new and wasn’t a news story before, it indicates that someone is making it a newsworthy story. 
bullyThe reason bullying is “an issue” today is because psychiatry would like you to think that this behavior is a mental health issue.  They are saying that bullying could lead to a “mental disorder” or is one in itself.  This idea has no merit whatsoever.  It is now being associated with “mental illness” only because it is an undesirable behavior. 
In case you are not aware, psychiatry has broadened its spectrum of what constitutes a “mental disorder.”  If a loved one has died and the grief continues for two weeks or so, it is considered depression.  If you are worried about starting high school, being accepted socially and all that goes with being a teenager these days, it is considered anxiety disorder.  There is no normal anymore, just labels for various undesirable behaviors.  
It is no surprise that bullying is now being associated with “mental illness.”  Just to shock parents, the topic of suicide is also brought up along side it.  There have been some news reports of bullying followed by a suicide.  One is not necessarily related to the other.  The media throws in that 7.8% of high school kids have tried to commit suicide and bullying is only adding to the problem.  This is just mixing up suicide, mental illness and bullying as if they were interconnected.  They are not. 
It is important to look at what has changed from the bullies of yesteryear to today’s bullies.  Those of yesteryear used to insult and beat up their victims face to face.  Today, bullies can hide behind their Facebook page or their phone via text.  Perhaps they would have the courage to say something in person, but the point is teenagers today are surrounded by social media and can get bullied from all angles, which makes life for the victim much worse. 
Bullies of yesteryear were handled by the school, the parents, the coach, or whoever would be effective at imposing discipline that had consequences.  It is true some bullies never grow out of it and they are adults today still doing the same thing.  But the difference now is that psychiatry is telling you it’s their area for a handling.  Their idea of a handling is psychotropic drugs. 
These powerful drugs might alter the bullies’ brain chemistry enough to make him a quiet unemotional shell of a person.  Yes, to psychiatry they might thinks this is a handling, but that’s not really helping the bully.  Psychotropic drugs potentially have severe adverse side effects such as violence, homicidal tendencies, mania and increased suicidal thoughts.  It would be no surprise that the bully could turn into a violent raging hostile person ready to go on a shooting spree with a suicidal end.  That is not a handling at all and is extremely dangerous for the bully and those around him.  
Psychiatry is clearly trying to create a new source of income by associating bullying with mental illness and making suicide an approaching epidemic as a result.  The only problem with this is they have no medical test to measure anything in the brain.  They cannot prove that something in the brain is defective which in turn makes a bully. 
They will say brain-related words like dopamine, neurotransmitters and serotonin while explaining their “chemical imbalance” theory.  They hope that if they sound authoritative enough, perhaps people will believe them.  The question is just how do they measure the brain’s amount of dopamine?  How do they even know how much each person has, or even what is the “normal” amount? 
The truth is they don’t know how to measure anything.  They have no scientific test to prove the existence of any “mental disorder” but what they do have are drugs that do produce a certain effect.  If the bully takes their drugs and becomes docile and calm, the drugs are supposedly “working.”  They have no idea how or why this is the result, they just know it affects the brain’s chemistry and that’s about it.   
Despite this, they have the audacity to say “mental disorders” are on par with other medical diseases like cancer or diabetes.  They hope that if they say this often enough everyone will believe them so they can stay in business.  To be blunt, don’t be a victim of this ploy. 
The article cited below also says that parents are now saying their kids have depression.  Some say their kids are sad or hopeless for at least two weeks.  Apparently parents are saying they don’t know where to turn to for help.  This is all very misleading when it’s lumped together like this.  
Being in a funk for two weeks or so isn’t long enough to evaluate a kids’ state of mind.  It also brings up the question what has the parent done so far to help their child?   If they have done everything possible, turning to psychiatry is not a source of help.  Giving a kid psychotropic drugs is endangering the life of the child and those around him.  Do you want to take the chance that your child could become suicidal or homicidal and dangerous? 
For the bullying of today, what is needed that parents get involved.  If they see bullying or their child complains about it, it needs to be handled immediately.  Even if it’s not voiced, it would be smart to ask your child if any bullying goes on at school or on Facebook or wherever.  It’s not easy at times, but it is important to be in communication with your child.  Teachers should be on watch for it as well.  If there was a group effort against bullying instead of complacency, bullying would cease and desist. 
Kids don’t need psychotropic drugs period.  Not for bullying or anything else.  Teaching respect of others, assertiveness and confidence will be much more effective than dangerous mind-altering drugs.  Kids can be really mean, but it’s not a sign of “mental illness.”  Good behavior and morals have fallen out, help your child by getting them back in. 


  1. Teresa Allen

    I have to disagree here as the reasons for bullying and aggressive behavior are as broad as the skies above. No two people are alike.

  2. Cynthia W

    Whatever label you want to put on it, whether it be bully or victim, both groups are missing something mentally. A balanced personality understands that all people are interdependent and need to be able to get along with each other. I agree that drugs are not the cure. Some forms of punishment or discipline are merely more bullying justified by Society. Guidance and teaching in recognizing and identifying feelings and what they are is a good place to start. Both behaviors are rooted in fear.



  1. Research Paper – The Normalization of Bullying – English WordPress Blog - […] “Bullying Not Related to Mental Health – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR.” Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR, 6…

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